力学进展, 2020, 50(1): 202004-202004 DOI: 10.6052/1000-0992-19-020


王丽珍, 樊瑜波,

北京航空航天大学生物与医学工程学院, 生物力学与力生物学教育部重点实验室, 北京航空航天大学生物医学工程高精尖创新中心, 北京 100083

The biomechanics of injury and prevention

WANG Lizhen, FAN Yubo,

Key Laboratory for Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Ministry of Education, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China

通讯作者: E-mail:yubofan@buaa.edu.cn

责任编辑: 戴兰宏

收稿日期: 2019-10-21   接受日期: 2020-06-12   网络出版日期: 2020-08-19

Corresponding authors: E-mail:yubofan@buaa.edu.cn

Received: 2019-10-21   Accepted: 2020-06-12   Online: 2020-08-19

作者简介 About authors



损伤与防护生物力学(injury and protection biomechanics)是研究生物组织或器官损伤机理及其防护方法的一门交叉性学科,属于现代生物力学的重要分支.其研究目标是降低载荷环境下组织或器官的损伤程度,主要内容包括载荷造成生物组织和器官的损伤机制、损伤耐受极限以及损伤过程中的生物力学动态响应、如何改善组织和器官所处的力学环境降低其损伤程度、有效的防护装备优化设计思路.高过载性载荷由于其作用短时性和爆发性具有较高致命性, 因此,人在过载环境下的抗损伤能力已越来越成为航空器研制、汽车性能提升、运动员竞技能力提升与充分发挥的瓶颈;尤其是更快、更灵活新型飞机的出现,超音速弹射救生、大过载高增长率的机动飞行防护等问题向损伤与防护生物力学研究提出了新的挑战,同时也为损伤与防护生物力学的发展提供了新发展机遇.随着科技不断进步,航空航天、交通事故、体育运动乃至日常生活中老年人跌倒等过程中人体冲击过载性损伤越来越呈现发生率高、防护效率低等问题,一方面由于人体耐限实验会造成损伤而难以获得真实数据,另一方面生物组织具有复杂非线性及黏弹性、可再生和重建特性,涉及到如何精准描述生物组织或器官的本构关系、组织解剖学特征与其力学特性之间相关性,建立不同尺度的组织或器官损伤机理与耐受极限、防护方法及防护装备设计准则.为此,本文将主要总结过载性损伤与防护生物力学的主要研究内容和研究方法,并在此基础上针对人体在复杂过载环境下的损伤类型、损伤机制(包括生物力学和力学生物学响应)、损伤耐限及防护方法进行回顾,包括近年来该领域国内外的主要进展, 并提出该领域发展趋势.过载性损伤与防护生物力学研究对于保障和提高复杂过载环境下人体安全性具有重要意义,可为解决航空航天、交通、体育运动中广泛涉及的骨肌多轴向损伤评价方法与标准制定提供科学依据,对指导防护装备优化设计具有重要理论价值,同时该方面研究在工程仿生材料和防护装备方面具有潜在实用价值和广阔应用前景.

关键词: 损伤 ; 防护 ; 耐限 ; 生物力学响应 ; 力学生物学


The biomechanics of injury and prevention is an important branch of modern biomechanics and a multi-disciplinary subject that is applied to the analysis of the mechanism of biological tissue or organ damage and its prevention. The goal of it is to prevent the human body from damage or minimize injury for tissue or organ when subjected to loads. It covers the study of the response of tissue subjected load, the mechanism and the tolerance of injury, and the methods and effective devices to reduce injury. Higher loads have high lethality due to its short-term action and explosiveness. Therefore, the ability to anti-injury under overload has been a severe constraint for the development of aircraft, the improvement of automobile performance and the enhancement of athletes' competitive ability. In particular, the emergence of the modern faster and more flexible fighter, the life-saving of supersonic ejection and the protective of maneuver flight of high load and load has presented new challenges for the subject of injury and prevention biomechanics but also provided enormous opportunities for the development of it. In recent years, the impact injury involved in aerospace, traffic accidents, sports and falls of the elder has presented the features of high incidence and low protection efficiency. However, it is difficult to obtain the actual data due to the damage caused by experiments to humans. Meanwhile, since the biological tissue has the characteristics of nonlinearity, viscoelasticity, regeneration and reconstruction, it involves how to describe the constitutive relations of biological tissue or organs, and the correlation between the anatomical features and its mechanical properties accurately. It also involves how to establish the mechanism and tolerance of tissue injury at multi-scales, the methods and the principle to design protective devices. The present paper focuses on the summarization of the major research contents and its methods to the biomechanics of injury and prevention. The types, mechanisms (including the response of the biomechanics and mechanobiology), tolerance, and the protective method of injury under complex loading for the human body are summarized, and the primary advancement and the possible tendency of development in these fields are introduced. The study on the biomechanics of injury and prevention is of great significance to protect and improve human safety under complex load. It could guide the establishment of standards and evaluation methods of musculoskeletal injuries involved in aerospace, transportation, and sports. This research is vital to guide the optimization design of protective devices and has great potential to the development and application of bionic engineering materials and protective devices.

Keywords: injury ; prevention ; injury tolerance ; biomechanical response ; mechanobiology

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王丽珍, 樊瑜波. 过载性损伤与防护生物力学. 力学进展[J], 2020, 50(1): 202004-202004 DOI:10.6052/1000-0992-19-020

WANG Lizhen, FAN Yubo. The biomechanics of injury and prevention. Advances in Mechanics[J], 2020, 50(1): 202004-202004 DOI:10.6052/1000-0992-19-020

1 引言

损伤与防护生物力学是基于力学原理来探索载荷对生物组织或器官造成的生物力学和生物学响应的机制. 损伤是指超出生物组织的强度极限造成的变形引起了解剖学结构损坏或生理学功能变化, 其中有些损伤可以恢复, 有些损伤难以恢复, 比如骨折可以愈合, 但中枢神经组织等损伤可能会导致不可逆的运动、感觉功能的永久丧失. 因此, 针对损伤机制、损伤耐限的生物力学和力学生物学响应机制开展深入性和定量化研究, 进而提出与之相对应的防护方法、开发有效的防护装备以达到对复杂环境下的有效安全防护, 是损伤与防护生物力学的主要研究内容. 一般来说, 损伤是物体与生物体接触后造成穿透或非穿透性的打击导致的, 物体的动能及其与生物组织的接触面积是损伤严重程度的重要影响因素. 穿透伤一般是由高速子弹或锋利物体以较低速度移动(如刀、剑等)引起, 动能通常集中在小面积区域; 非穿透伤是钝物的动能快速分布在较大面积区域. 慢速挤压等静态载荷导致的生物组织缓慢变形导致非穿透伤较为多见, 动态载荷更多会导致穿透伤, 且后果更为严重. 因此, 动态载荷引起的损伤一直以来都是损伤与防护生物力学领域的研究热点之一. 实际上, 舰载机起飞、返回舱着陆、伞兵着陆、交通事故、体育运动、老年人跌倒等过程中多有复杂性多轴向动态载荷对人体各部位或器官(头部与脊柱、下肢关节等)乃至整个系统造成损伤, 其中头颈部损伤导致的死亡率最高. 动态载荷根据加速度作用在人体的时间可分为两种: 持续性加速度和冲击性加速度. 作用时间大于1 s为持续性加速度, 如战斗机机动飞行及弹射救生过程所产生的加速度多为持续性加速度; 作用时间则小于1 s为冲击性加速度, 如航天器着陆、汽车碰撞、体育运动、老年人跌倒瞬间所产生的加速度多为冲击性加速度. 持续性加速度和冲击性加速度对人体产生的作用不尽相同, 持续性加速度作用主要表现在人体器官变形、移位、体液突发异常性流动及重分配产生的生理障碍或病理损伤, 包括大脑功能、心血管功能、呼吸功能以及肢体运动功能出现障碍等, 比如, 较高+Gz (竖直方向加速度) 会严重影响飞行员的视觉功能, 影响人体工效学操纵导致飞行事故 (Green 2003); 冲击性加速度作用主要表现在组织或器官的动态生物力学响应, 当动态冲击载荷随时间变化超过一定极限时就会引起器质性损伤, 比如骨折、脏器挫伤/撕裂、出血和肌肉撕拉伤 (Lecompte et al. 2008, Schall 1989).

损伤机制是对引起人体解剖学结构和生理功能损伤的生物力学响应的描述, 可阐明人体组织或器官如何造成损伤, 进而提出如何防护, 是损伤与防护生物力学研究的基础. 生物力学响应指的是力学载荷作用下人体组织或器官发生形变或移动的时间和力学参数之间的规律关系. 生物力学响应参数包括组织的本构关系(应力-应变关系)、位移、速度、加速度时间关系、人体组织的几何结构、 质量分布、固有频率和冲击谱等, 这些参数是测量和分析研究损伤机制的前提, 也是制定损伤耐受极限评价标准的基础. 损伤耐限指的是人体组织或器官可抵抗不同损伤等级的运动学或动力学水平. 目前, 常用的损伤分级标准主要有简明损伤定级标准 (abbreviated injury scale, AIS) 和器官损伤定级标准 (organ injury scaling, OIS), 其中AIS是美国医学会和美国汽车医学学会召集相关领域研究学者在数千例临床损伤资料基础上制定, 以解剖学为基础的分级标准, 于1976年正式以手册形式出版, 最初仅用于评定交通事故损伤, 现已成为全球通用的创伤早期分级评定标准, 依据损伤程度, 并按照身体部位对每种损伤划分为6个等级, $1\sim 6$损伤等级逐级升高(包括轻度、中度、重度、严重、危重和极重), 将人体划分为皮肤、头颅、颌面部、颈、胸、腹部及盆腔内脏、脊柱、上肢和下肢等9个部位. OIS是由美国外伤医学会制定的器官损伤分级标准, 主要针对腹部和胸部器官的损伤从最轻1分到最重6分进行分级. 然而, 到目前为止, 国内外尚无冲击载荷下人体耐受极限的统一标准, 各国研究者针对各个部位提出了损伤准则并不断修正, 其主要原因是人对冲击载荷耐限具有研究难度且需要反复验证迭代, 相关实验涉及到人体安全, 通常只能采取一些替代品作为实验对象, 包括假人、尸体、动物和数值仿真模型. 假人具有人体基本结构和外形, 是进行系统动力学评价和防护性能评价的理想替代物. 目前, 国际上比较通用的是航空假人ADAM和汽车领域常用的Hybird III, 但假人在动力学响应方面与人体具有差异性. 尸体实验不足在于肌肉缺乏弹性和主动响应, 且个体差异较大. 动物可以提供真实的生理和病例反应, 得到的数据可模糊映射到人体, 然后推测人体耐受区间. 数值仿真模型包括理论力学模型、集中参数模型、多刚体模型和有限元模型法等, 具有避免复杂实验, 可多次修改载荷条件定量化分析的优点, 以上方法均被用于损伤生物力学研究.

深入认识损伤机制和损伤耐受极限的终极目标是提升特殊环境下人体的防护技术, 设计有效的防护装备可大幅降低损伤率和死亡率. 比如, 较好的约束系统可以减少持续性过载下的人体皮下出血和淤血发生, 还可防止头部和四肢运动超过正常活动范围导致的扭伤和骨折等; 头盔等防护装置可降低对冲击性载荷下人体加速度峰值从而达到防护作用 (孙喜庆 2005). 环境、人体及防护装备/系统是一个相互影响、紧密相关的整体系统. 复杂力学环境会对人体各部位及器官甚至整个系统产生耦合性影响, 以至于严重威胁到人体的生命安全. 不同的外部环境和系统设计(包括外在环境、人体姿态、防护装备或约束系统等)又势必导致人体响应过程及安全极限的差异性. 现代战机的机动性能已大幅提升, 尤其是新一代战机可以完成多种形式的过失速机动动作, X31, F22和Su-35的超机动性飞机可以完成Herbst机动、眼镜蛇机动和大攻角机动等过失速机动动作, 在上述过程所产生特殊加速度环境(超重或失重、过失速机动等)对乘员的生理具有重要影响 (Jones et al. 2007). 机动飞行中在持续性和多轴向加速度载荷环境下, 飞行员必须密切注意周围环境变化并做相应操作, 运动和姿态会不断变化, 导致头颈部等部位损伤造成较高重伤率和死亡率 (Schall 1983, Newman et al. 2011, Wang et al. 2016). 交通事故、体育运动和老年人跌倒等过程中冲击过载性损伤也时有发生, 比如跳伞着陆时下肢及足部冲击伤、跑跳运动中脚着地瞬间冲击伤、跳水运动员入水瞬间眼球冲击伤等 (Knapik et al. 2008, Nigg 1985, Zhang et al. 2008, Sheard 2008). 航空、交通、体育竞技等方面相关技术的快速发展给损伤与防护生物力学提出了更高的要求, 比如飞行员头盔上安装了越来越多的显示装置以及各种辅助设备以增强导航和飞行信息显示、目标跟踪和瞄准等能力使得头盔的质量增加 (Sylvester 1987). 以美军空军从F15, F16配备的JHMCS头盔到F35配备的HMDS头盔系统, 头盔的质量从1.95 kg增加到2.3 kg, 头盔重量成为影响战斗机飞行员颈部损伤的原因之一 (Mathys et al. 2012). 为此, 近年来大量研究开始关注将仿生学抗过载机制应用到防护方法改进、约束系统或防护装备设计. 美国研究开发了基于珍珠母特殊表层结构和其多层微观结构的防护材料 (National Research Council 2001); 麻省理工学院的研究人员基于海螺壳的包含3个不同层次的独特内部结构, 导致微裂纹难以扩散的机理, 采用3D打印技术成功制造出仿海螺壳的工程材料, 并且进行了有效测试(Gu et al. 2017). 德国基于柚子皮的多层结构特征具有吸能性提出了具有更好抗冲击性能的仿生多级结构金属材料 (San et al. 2019). 英国雷丁大学应用鹿角韧性机理进行冲击防护设计, 开展了新型头盔的设计 (Winfield et al. 1991). 本课题组前期研究针对啄木鸟优异的抗冲击性能开展了研究, 提出其解剖结构、运动行为方面特殊性能, 并基于此开发了军用抗冲击装备 (Wang et al. 2011a, 2011b, 2013; Lu et al. 2020). 仿生学对防护方面的启示以及相关研究对于国防、交通、体育和养老等领域人体防护装备方面的创新都具有重要意义.

综上所述, 力学载荷作用对人体的生物力学和力学生物学及生理学影响比较广泛, 并涵盖了人体整体、器官、组织、细胞和亚细胞层次. 过去的研究多是关注前三个层次, 随着生命科学的迅速发展, 细胞和亚细胞层次的损伤机制的研究日渐受到重视. 本文主要针对力学载荷作用下人体骨肌系统的生物力学和力学生物学响应研究进行回顾, 介绍了损伤类型、损伤机制、耐受极限和防护装备等相关研究进展, 并在此基础上提出损伤与防护生物力学的发展趋势和未来方向.

2 损伤部位

人体不同组织和器官的损伤机制是不同的, 损伤机制的研究需要弄清楚人体各个部位及器官在力学载荷作用下损伤特征和耐限, 以便于进一步在防护方法上提出相应的要求. 比如, 轻微的脑损伤较多是由于突然的加速度或减速度引起脑组织滞后运动导致剪切应力和应变, 颅骨骨折常由头部与外界环境的直接碰撞造成, 颈部损伤常是压缩、弯曲复合载荷导致, 胸部和腹部损伤常常是由外部挤压造成内脏器官牵拉剪切造成. 不同部位的损伤对人体生理学和功能影响与危害程度也大为不同(如图1). 随着航空和电子等技术的进步, 人体各部位和组织的抗载荷能力已经越来越成为航空器设计和性能充分发挥的重要因素.


图1   组织损伤

2.1 头部

头部是中枢神经系统以及各种脑组织所在的部位, 在受到外力冲击作用下极易发生损伤, 且引起的死亡率高. 交通、体育运动及航空救生中的事故发生及损伤种类表明头部损伤是导致人体重伤甚至死亡的主要原因之一. 据统计, 全世界汽车碰撞事故中, 头部损伤导致的死亡人数占65%左右 (Hasselberg et al. 2019, Rosenfeld et al. 2000). 我国交通事故损伤的统计数据表明, 每年因交通碰撞而不幸丧生者近十万之多, 其中头部冲击性损伤在人体各部位损伤中所占比重最高, 约为33.7% (Clark et al. 2016, Fanton et al. 2019). 美国空军典型性弹射损伤主要发生在头部、颈部、胸腰椎和四肢, 损伤率为$2%\sim 25%$, 致命率为$1%\sim 11%$ (Collins et al. 1997). 我国空军因大速度弹射 (大于800 km/h) 死亡者占死亡总人数的20%, 其中头部损伤是导致飞行员弹射重伤甚至死亡的主要原因之一 (张汉镔 1990, 赵一明等 2006). 英国皇家空军火箭动力弹射事故调查得出弹射死亡率为10.8%, 其中头部损伤约占14.2% (Lewis 2006). 加拿大武装部队的调查结果显示, 77名弹射跳伞中5人死亡且全部有头部损伤; 8人重伤中4人有头部伤; 轻伤47人中19人发生头部损伤 (Rowe et al. 1984). 由于头部在解剖学上的重要性, 颅骨与脑损伤的损伤机制、耐受极限和防护方法一直以来都是损伤生物力学最热门的研究之一. 国内外损伤生物力学相关研究领域对头部损伤类型、损伤耐限及损伤机制方面研究投入巨大人力物力.

2.2 脊柱

人体的脊柱是人体躯干的中轴骨, 共由24块椎骨组成, 其中颈椎7块, 胸椎12块, 腰椎5块, 具有维持人体直立, 容纳和保护各部分内脏器官的功能. 脊柱各椎体之间借椎间盘和韧带连接, 并由肌肉维持其稳定性. 颈部损伤在长时间航空飞行和交通碰撞发生率均较高, 但航空飞行中的加速度环境与交通安全领域存在显著差异, 航空飞行中的冲击载荷主要产生于弹射救生和伞降着陆时的$z$ (头足方向)加速度, 而交通安全领域则主要是冲击性的$x$向加速度(胸背方向); 航空飞行中存在典型的持续性加速度引起的颈部损伤, 而交通安全领域中损伤主要是冲击性加速度引起的, 交通事故中最常见的颈部挥鞭样损伤, 是目前最具困扰性的交通安全问题之一.

持续性高过载中飞行员的颈部损伤发生率一直都居高不下, 直接影响飞行员日常训练和实际飞行. 飞行过程中佩戴头盔、瞄准器和夜视仪等设备更加重了头颈部的负担, 增大了飞行员在弹射救生和机动飞行中出现颈部损伤的风险. 飞行员颈部损伤的典型类型主要有压缩性骨折、棘突骨折、棘间韧带撕裂、肌筋膜疼痛和肌肉疼痛等 (柳松杨等 2010). 弹射救生、舰载机着陆和返回舱着陆等过程脊柱损伤率一直居高不下, 46.8%的飞行员在3个月内出现过颈部急性损伤 (Perper 2019, Ströhle et al. 2018, Nadeau et al. 2019, Vanderbeek 1988). 美国海军航空兵和空军中$50%\sim 75%$的高性能战机飞行员曾出现过颈部疼痛, 战斗机飞行员在暴露于+Gz载荷后的颈部损伤发生率高达89% (Andersen 1988, Burton 1999). 法国空军在2000—2008年间的弹射数据中发现, 42%的飞行员发生了脊柱骨折、椎间盘及韧带损伤, 其中发生骨折的飞行员术后6个月才能恢复执行飞行任务 (Manen et al. 2014). 飞行事故统计数据表明, 弹射过载引起的脊柱损伤多发生在胸腰段, 弹射过程高达29.4%的飞行员发生脊柱骨折损伤, 弹射造成的骨性损伤中64.2%发生于T10-L2节段 (Sridhar et al. 2019). 在减速过载、开伞动载以及着陆冲击过载中均对人体产生不同方向和大小的高G冲击, 特别是在着陆冲击过载中, 胸腰段的骨折损伤比飞行中过载造成的损伤更为严重 (Ly et al. 2018). 临床统计数据表明, 胸腰椎连结部位也是人体脊柱伤多发部位 (Case et al. 2018). 脊柱损伤生物力学研究对于航天器返回舱着陆、飞行员防护和乘员防护等具有重要意义, 也可为航空、交通安全规范制定及参数设计提供理论依据.

2.3 下肢

伞兵跳伞、体育运动(篮球、撑杆跳等)着陆以及老年人摔倒等瞬间常造成下肢关节的冲击过载损伤. 据统计, 跳伞过程超过80%的损伤发生在着陆阶段, 主要损伤部位是下肢, 其中踝关节损伤占伞兵训练伤的$30%\sim 60%$ (Peyron et al. 2018, Johnson et al. 2019). 国际奥组委对于退役后运动员健康分析发现, 奥运会运动员损伤最多的部位是膝关节、下肢、踝关节和足部 (Palmer et al. 2020). 随着老龄化社会的到来, 老年人跌倒造成的骨折愈合过慢导致其他并发疾病引起死亡率极高, 已成为威胁老年人生命的最大因素 (Ye et al. 2020).

国际上伞兵跳伞着陆主要有侧滚翻和半蹲式两种方式, 西方伞兵主要采取侧滚翻, 我国伞兵主要采用半蹲式着陆(图2). 我国对半蹲式跳伞着陆动作着陆时的动作分析、损伤机制、防护方法等已开展深入的详细研究. 半蹲式跳伞着陆动作要求落地前, 伞兵的头部端正, 目视前下方, 下肢呈半蹲姿势, 髋、膝和踝关节稍微弯曲, 做到"三紧一平", 即两腿弯曲, 并将膝、踝关节、前脚掌内侧靠齐并紧, 脚掌与地面平行; 触地后, 两腿自然缓冲并站稳. 采用该姿势着陆, 可使着陆冲击力沿脚掌、踝、膝与髋关节等不断改变方向传递而被分解, 下肢各关节的弯曲延长了缓冲的时间, 大部分冲击力被下肢肌肉和韧带吸收, 使身体受到的冲击力减小, 但着陆时不正确的动作, 如分腿、收腿、强求站立、两腿依次着地或用脚尖试探着地等, 都增大了腿部受伤几率 (Niu et al. 2010a, 2011, 2013a; Wu et al. 2018a). 为此, 采用适合伞兵运动方式的损伤生物力学基本理论来指导伞兵跳伞训练和防护装备设计对降低损伤率具有重要的作用, 同时下肢损伤机制、耐受极限、防护方法对于国防、竞技体育、康复均具有重大意义.


图2   半蹲式跳伞模拟示意图

2.4 眼部

加速度载荷造成视网膜脱落等眼外伤病例十分常见. 舰载机起降、蹦极和过山车等极限运动经常出现视网膜脱离等, 严重者常造成失明 (Gurelik et al. 2020). 此外, 临床上常见婴儿摇荡综合征是由于婴儿受到剧烈晃动时容易出现加速度造成的视网膜裂孔和出血等症状 (Verdijk et al. 2020). 此外, 老年人跌倒也常引起眼球破裂 (Ke et al. 2020). 舰载机起降和战斗机在行驶过程中常面临加速度突然改变、翻滚、旋转及超重/失重情况产生的冲击加速度或持续加速度, 进而造成视网膜脱落 (张选斌等2013). 近年来, 飞行员训练过程中眼外伤的发病呈明显上升趋势, 极大的引起了专家学者们的重视. 本课题组针对眼部冲击损伤机制, 尤其是不同加速度响应和视网膜损伤之间的规律进行了阐述, 并指导飞行训练计划的制定和眼损伤的防护 (Liu et al. 2013, 2014a, 2014b). 此外, 眼球暴露于身体表面的部分不足整个身体的 0.1%, 但是由于眼睛的复杂结构和易受伤害的特点, 爆炸冲击造成的眼外伤十分常见, 约有10%的爆炸冲击伤的幸存者都会存在不同程度的眼外伤 (Mufti et al. 2019). 爆炸伤可以分为四种基本类型, 即第一、第二、第三和第四级爆炸伤. 第一级损伤是指爆炸冲击波直接作用于机体表面组织或空腔器官, 导致组织损伤甚至是解剖结构改变. 第二级爆炸伤是由爆炸碎片飞溅击中受害者的器官造成的穿通伤和锐器伤. 第三级爆炸伤是由爆炸风(气流)造成的受害者跌落或失足造成的脑损伤等. 第四级爆炸伤包括除第一、二、三级致伤原因之外的损伤类型, 包括热或化学灼伤, 放射性辐射损伤, 粉尘或有毒气体暴露的吸入性损伤等. 实际上, 第二级损伤在爆破眼外伤中最常见, 主要由爆破后的碎片贯穿到眼内, 形成眼内异物所致. 爆炸引起的眼外伤患者的眼内存在异物比例高达80% (Mines et al. 2000). 与第二级爆破伤相比, 由爆破压直接导致的第一级眼损伤发生原因和力学机制一直没有明确的定论. 爆破眼外伤常导致眼球破裂、虹膜离断、晶状体易位等复杂症状. 眼外伤相关的眼组织病变和临床表现已有较充分的认识, 但眼损伤的发病机制尤其是力学因素直接或间接导致的眼组织损伤仍然有待于系统深入的探索.

2.5 脏器

内脏由于受到腹部骨结构的保护较少而成为人体较容易受伤的部位, 内脏器官在前方和侧方撞击中更容易产生变形而造成血管破裂与内部组织的损伤 (Visvikis et al. 2017). 在动态冲击载荷作用下, 人体腹部常受到瞬间撞击, 会伤及肝、脾、肾等重要的腹内脏器, 产生闭合性损伤 (Umale et al. 2017). 据统计, 交通事故中腹腔主要脏器致死率为$14\%\sim 24\%$ (Hsieh et al. 2016, Matsui et al. 2018). 美国国家交通事故数据库系统 (National Automotive Sampling System, NASS)调查数据显示, 实体器官(肝、脾、肾等)损伤风险远高于空腔器官(胃、小肠、大肠等), 其中脾脏、肝脏更容易受到损伤 (Chaudhary et al. 2020). 探讨腹部所包括各组织和器官的损伤与力学因素的关系, 建立力学、运动学和形态学等方面的损伤评估标准参数集和力学响应是腹部损伤生物力学的主要研究任务. 在旋转、翻滚、非惯性加速、超重、失重和弹射等特殊状态下, 脏器以及循环系统的生物力学响应发生损伤. 目前国内外研究逐渐将微重力环境下循环系统改重建及其血流动力学响应纳入到损伤与防护生物力学研究范畴中.

3 研究方法

损伤与防护生物力学研究中常用的研究方法包括流行病学调查、志愿者实验、假人实验、尸体实验、动物实验和数值仿真等. 最早通过志愿者模拟实验再现真实场景来提取数据进行分析, 如滑车、冲击塔以及离心机与跳台等实验. 1976年, 美国海军生物力学实验室最早进行志愿者滑车实验, 志愿者由传统双肩带约束于固定在滑车的刚性座椅上, 分别在一定加速度作用时间、增加率以及峰值这三种因素作用下, 测量志愿者头部、脊柱T1部位的动力学响应参数, 为人椅系统在弹射过载下人体的动力学响应提供了依据 (Ewing et al. 1976). 考虑到志愿者在冲击实验中所面临的安全隐患, 大量研究采用假人、尸体、动物及数值模拟的方法替代志愿者实验来进行动力学响应测试 (Leupp 1982, Raddin et al. 1992, Polanco et al. 2011, De Heer et al. 2020).

3.1 流行病学调查

流行病学调查是研究疾病、健康和卫生事件的分布及其决定因素的方法学, 可在调查基础上提出合理的预防保健对策和健康服务措施, 评价这些对策和措施的效果. 人们认识事物的方式可分为归纳和演绎, 流行病学属于归纳性科学, 从"描述"与"分析"两方面来体现它的归纳性. 在描述中注重分析, 在分析中贯穿描述. 比如, 伞兵着陆损伤是从二战以来才出现的, 相对于大多数其他损伤和疾病具有明显的职业特点, 对绝大多数医务工作者和医学研究人员来说并不常见. 最初, 对这种特定损伤的认识还存在不足, 在此条件下, 必要的流行病学调查就是不可或缺的手段. 从二战至今, 该领域研究成果大多数也确实基于流行病学调查的, 并且受到世界各国的重视和共识 (于向丽等2020). 实际上, 针对损伤与防护生物力学的流行病学调查可以分为三类: ① 描述性研究: 流行病学基础研究方法, 主要为现况研究, 通过调查描述损伤部位的分布, 损伤发生的阶段, 各种可疑致病因素, 以及它们的相互关系, 提出病因假说. ② 分析性研究: 对由描述性研究提出的病因或其他假设进行分析检验. ③ 实验法: 流行病学实验是在人群现场中进行的, 将观察人群随机分为试验组和对照组, 给试验组施加某种干预措施, 通过随访观察, 判定干预措施的效果, 进一步验证假说. 如上所述, 流行病学调查可提供第一手最真实的数据资料, 然而, 流行病学调查研究周期较长, 成本较高, 尤其是动态载荷下的损伤和防护生物力学研究本身具有不可预知和不可控性, 实时测量是个难题, 流行病学调查所取得的数据也就变得有限, 于是实验研究和数值仿真方法逐渐被重视和大力发展.

3.2 实验研究

在实验室条件下进行志愿者模拟实验合理设计, 应用现代测量技术对人体各种运动学和动力学数据进行测量, 可获取更多有价值的信息. 目前, 损伤与防护生物力学研究中常用弹射塔模拟弹射瞬间救生和平台跳落模拟跳伞着陆等, 可达到实时测量运动学参数、地面反力、各个部位加速度、肌肉反应时间和活动性等生物力学数据. 针对一些危险性较高或志愿者实验无法获得的数据(如组织内部在力学载荷下的应力/应变等), 一般采用尸体实验来获得. 尸体与有生命的人体最为接近, 新鲜的人类尸体中保存有完整的骨、软骨、韧带和关节结构, 肌肉虽然失去活力, 但仍保留了完整解剖学特征、结构及其与周围其他组织的结构关系, 因此尸体实验是生物力学领域重要的实验方法之一. 尸体标本实验具有一定优势, 但存在尸体标本来源有限、实验成本较高且实验受法律法规、宗教或伦理限制. 于是, 损伤与防护生物力学领域开始采用动物作为研究对象, 来替代尸体实验. 由于有些动物具有与人类相似的解剖结构及组织力学特性, 可以在一定程度上代替志愿者实验或尸体实验, 但也同样会存在法律法规与伦理等限制. 随着科技进步, 假人逐渐成为损伤与防护生物力学的重要媒介. 大量研究对志愿者实验和假人实验的动态响应进行了对比分析, 研究发现, 在垂直落塔实验中, 3%的小体型ADAMS假人比97%大体型假人测试结果更接近真人响应 (Kuennen et al. 2004); 但Hybrid III型假人颈部和腰部的加速度响应曲线都比Hybrid II型假人更接近真实响应, 其主要原因是III型假人腰部采用曲型腰椎来进行改进 (Buhrman 1991). +Gz作用下腰椎压缩量的研究则表明, ADAM, LOIS及JPATS 3种假人均在垂直落塔实验中具有与真人测试结果接近的腰椎压缩位移, 且压缩程度与座椅结构无关 (Caldwell et al. 2005). 针对JPATS和Hybrid III假人分别进行两种分离式约束背带PCU-56/P, PCU-15/P, 两种组合式约束背带Generation 1, Generation 4约束性能的对比研究表明, 正面冲击下两种分离式背带具有较好的肩部约束性能, 其中Generation 4具有最佳的头部约束能力 (Ransley et al. 2005). 我国学者对Hybrid Ⅲ型假人在航天返回舱着陆的过程进行了冲击模拟实验, 并对该冲击环境下人体头、颈、胸和脊椎等可能受到的损伤进行评估, 在此基础上对人体冲击着陆时的防护提出了一些建议, 包括采取适当座椅及椅垫的设计以减少头盆向加速度, 采取适当缓冲和阻尼措施、增加适当约束等 (杜汇良等2004).

实验所获得的数据为损伤与防护机制等研究提供了大量重要数据, 但也具有局限性. 首先, 志愿者之间个体差异、受训练程度不同及主观意识差异都会影响到数据的可靠性, 因此志愿者实验往往需要大样本量测试, 同时依赖于先进的实验技术手段, 其中涉及到电子、机械和计算机等技术的进一步发展. 其次, 测试过程中需考虑志愿者的人身安全, 难以完成可能造成损伤的动作, 因此实验环境比真实环境的风险系数需要大幅降低, 也会影响实验结果的可靠性. 最后, 测试过程中需考虑无损测量方法, 可获取的数据也就具有局限性, 比如组织内部应力、关节压力、肌肉力等重要数据无法准确获取. 尸体实验由于失去了肌肉的主动收缩功能等, 结果可靠性也受到一定影响; 动物实验由于动物本身与人体行为学或生物学差异性, 也只能做定性化参考, 尤其损伤耐限结果难以完全应用到人体.

3.3 数值仿真

随着计算机技术的发展, 数学模型、多体动力学、有限元、无网格等计算方法得到快速提升, 越来越多的被用于工程学各个领域. 针对生物力学所研究问题, 建立标准数学/力学模型, 通过控制载荷环境和边界约束条件, 得到实验所采集不到的参数, 可比性和可重复性已被作为实验研究的有效补充. 于是, 与实验相结合的数值仿真已成为损伤与防护生物力学研究领域行之有效的方法之一.

数学模型是把人体离散为由质量、弹簧、阻尼等参数的一种方法, 由于其简单易用的特点, 曾经在研究人体动力学特征领域得到过广泛的应用, 比较适用于简化模型, 但得到的信息有限. 多刚体动力学模型适用于多自由度运动等复杂问题, 同时可灵活与其他数值模拟方法相结合来解决人体运动学和动力学问题, 比如基于数值仿真模型对跳伞着陆冲击力进行分析, 运动学和动力学数据可以通过高速摄影、测力台获取, 然后作为边界条件输入多刚体动力学模型计算获得肌肉力等无法测量的参数. 有限元方法是现代计算力学发展的一个里程碑, 计算精度高、可解决复杂非线性问题, 近年来也逐渐成为生物力学研究中的主要技术手段, 并在损伤机制探索方面对推动损伤与防护生物力学发展起到重要作用. 美国最早在20世纪70年代开始采用有限元方法研究跳伞着陆损伤, 首先基于GEBOD程序建立了人体全身有限元模型研究跳伞着陆, 该模型将下肢以外的身体其他部位均定义为刚体, 刚体之间的连接由载荷偏移曲线定义, 基于该模型分析了直立着陆和跳伞着陆不同姿势下踝关节竖直方向速度、角速度和冲击力以及不同因素对跳伞着陆冲击力的影响 (Kasturi et al. 2005, Kwok et al. 2003, Kong et al. 2001). 之后研究者们将这个模型进行了改进, 对足踝结构实现更为精确建模(Kwok et al. 2003). 后续研究中, 这个模型被应用于跳伞着陆时不同护具对踝关节的防护评价, 包括不同护踝、着陆速度、负载条件及着陆地面倾斜度对着陆时足冲击力、背屈、内翻和外翻的影响 (Kasturi et al. 2005).

此外, 数值仿真在眼科、脏器及循环系统的损伤与防护研究方面也发挥了重要作用. 在眼生物力学研究中, 爆炸产生冲击波常导致眼球破裂, 眼球破裂后异物进入眼内, 但难以判断属于第一级或第二级眼外伤, 此时数值仿真可提供参考和判断. 此外, 爆炸引起的眼外伤相关实验条件比较有限, 实验手段和成本也存在一定困难, 数值仿真技术可以获得爆炸所带来的动力学响应, 也可以基于组织的力学强度预测爆破性眼外伤发生的外部条件, 为此, 数值仿真在眼生物力学领域是较为理想的研究手段. 本课题组基于爆炸冲击波造成的眼外伤仿真分析得到爆炸冲击波导致眼球破裂的力学条件, 进而为爆破性眼外伤的防护提供客观依据 (Liu et al. 2013). 胸腹部钝性撞击常引起脏器损伤, 最先有学者建立了胸腔有限元模型, 将躯体结构划分为一些称为元的块, 其形状、大小接近于真实器官结构的外边界, 并根据解剖学位置和力学原理拟合每个元中点、速度和受力关系式, 所涉及的组织器官特征参数通过实验测得 (Stuhmiller et al. 1991); 此后又建立了较为精细的二维胸廓断面有限元模型研究胸、肺应力波传播及应力分布状态 (Stuhmiller et al. 1996). 关于心脏建模最早是根据直观的心脏收缩特性建立简单的数学模型, 从宏观伤定性分析某些心脏输出特性, 例如心脏的收缩机制满足Frank-starling定律, 即收缩力与心脏舒张末期的容量成正比, 压力容积简单表征了心脏的收缩性能 (Schneider et al. 2006). 这种独立的数学模型从整体上可直观认识心脏的病理生理学特性, 但无法实现心脏局部功能的定量分析. 随着医学成像技术的发展, 结合心脏几何形状和连续介质动力学原理可更有效、准确评定心脏的力学特性. 连续动力学模型基于简单的力学原理和运动学方程, 结合心脏几何模型提供的边界条件和运动约束, 求解心肌的应力应变分布情况等 (Yang et al. 2006, Hu et al. 2005). 但连续动力学模型往往只针对规则几何形状、均匀性材料和简单的边界条件等简单问题. 实际上, 心肌是一种非线性、各向异性、超弹性且局部非均匀的材料, 心脏几何学、材料特性以及心肌纤维旋向是影响心脏力学性能的重要因素, 而结合弹性变形理论和复合材料理论的有限元建模可以考虑这种不规则形状、非线性、非均匀材料和复杂边界情况. 心脏动力学的有限元建模方法利用几何模型提供的位移信息和边界条件, 并结合材料特性和一些初始条件, 可以精确预测正常和病态情况下的心脏动力学行为 (Tendulkar et al. 2006, Fass et al. 2007).

鉴于人体解剖结构复杂性, 有限元建模研究的起步时间要显著晚于多刚体动力学模型. 但随着关节、脊柱和韧带等软组织生物力学特性的研究取得进展, 人体有限元模型也在近30年间得到了长足的发展. 较早的人体有限元模型通常使用简化的几何模型和线性的组织材料属性 (Teo et al. 2007). 近年来, 人体有限元模型不仅使用了更准确的几何模型, 还包含了更高质量的网格, 以及更为精确的软组织生物力学特性, 使得这些有限元模型可以更好的应用于软组织在高应变速率时的生物力学分析 (Panzer et al. 2011). 此外, 现有研究大多都是根据研究需要选择一种仿真方法, 实际上不同方法各具优势. 多刚体模型和有限元模型各自拥有的显著优点, 最新研究开始尝试二者之间的耦合应用. Esat等 (2009)Lopik (2007)模型的基础上, 采用考虑黏弹性的椎间盘有限元模型代替原有的集总参数模型进行耦合分析. 本课题组基于一套从CT图像逆向建模获得的头颈部几何模型, 并行开发了一套头颈部多刚体系统动力学模型和头颈部有限元模型, 并提出了一种综合利用这一对模型开展动力学分析的耦合方法.

综上所述, 数值仿真在损伤生物力学研究中起到非常重要的作用, 尤其是具有高度解剖学相似性和力学特性准确性的全身有限元人体模型逐渐受到人体冲击响应研究青睐. 相对于以往的人体模型来说, 结构往往更加完整和精细, 所用的材料也由以往的刚体或者线弹性体向超弹性、弹塑性和黏弹性材料转变. 如福特公司 2003 年研发的人体全身有限元模型包括完整的皮肤、骨骼、软骨、韧带、肌肉、主动脉以及主要内脏结构, 其中骨与软骨采用弹塑性材料进行模拟, 而诸如内脏和椎间盘之类的软组织则当作黏弹性材料. 该模型先后经过局部和整体冲击测试验证, 能够较好的对人体冲击损伤进行预测和评估. 目前为止, 人体有限元模型主要跟假人配合用于汽车碰撞和航空领域的损伤生物力学研究.

4 损伤机制

损伤与防护生物力学的目标是降低损伤几率、提供防护, 损伤机制研究对于降低损伤几率和提供防护具有重要意义. 损伤生物力学的主要任务是联合医学和工程学的方法解释每个部位的损伤是如何发生的. 人体主要的损伤发生在碰撞瞬间和随后的一段时间里, 常见的损伤有骨折、软骨破裂、软组织撕裂伤、器官损伤和循环系统损伤等, 其中骨折往往是由于组织与周围环境介质直接碰撞、撞击引起, 严重时合并器官损伤, 而软组织损伤常由于突然减或加速度作用引起组织之间不同的运动速度导致产生了剪应力及剪应变. 在人体损伤机理的研究领域已有多种假说, 但仍然存在很多争议.

4.1 损伤的力学效应

从力学角度看, 物体在运动过程或载荷作用下, 当载荷达到足够大时将会发生变形乃至断裂等响应. 人体损伤的力学效应首先需要关注各个部位的生物组织在载荷作用下的力学响应状态. 力学载荷引起的组织内部应力主要包括压缩应力、拉伸应力、剪切应力. 引起生物组织内部应力导致损伤的载荷类型包括以下几种: ① 直接碰撞: 周围环境中的物体与人体组织发生碰撞, 造成接触力的作用效果. 比如穿盖弹射瞬间头部撞击飞机舱盖、空中降落过程四肢与降落伞之间的碰撞、跳伞着陆过程下肢与地面的碰撞等. ② 惯性加速度引起的冲击过载: 突然加速或减速造成人体各个部位加速度变化. 如弹射瞬间座椅弹射引起的突然加速造成各部位的加速度出现急剧变化、过失速机动飞行中飞机加速度大小和方向得快速变化引起人体加速度快速变化、舰载机起降过程加速度的剧烈变化等. ③ 静态过载: 纯静态力学载荷作用在真实世界其实是难以观察到的, 通常意义人体的生物力学响应和损伤机理分析过程使用的静态加载是相对的, 控制加速度极慢以至于相对其他条件可以忽略的一种准静态加载. 为此, 导致损伤的力学机制分为直接撞击性损伤和突然运动产生的非直接撞击性损伤 (Goldsmith 1972, Hardy et al. 1994). 关于损伤的力学效应总结在图3 中.


图3   组织器官损伤的力学效应

4.1.1 头部损伤

人体头部受到非直接碰撞性冲击载荷引起的脑损伤包括脑震荡和脑挫伤. 脑震荡和脑挫伤是脑干网状结构的损害后果之一, 与脑干部位的神经损伤密切相关. 此外, 由于颅腔容积相对固定, 颅脑对压力和牵拉难以耐受. 当头部受到突然冲击时冲击能量急速地经脑干与小脑波及到枕骨大孔区域, 致使脑干受到损害. 同时, 颅骨内变形和冲击力对颅内容物产生压迫作用, 引起急骤的颅内压增高和颅脑冲击伤. 实际上头颅中的脑处于脑脊液包围的悬浮状态, 颅骨与脑组织密度不同导致运动速度差异引起组织之间的牵拉作用, 导致产生脑部的剪切性损伤. 在动态过载环境中脑组织动量剧烈变化也会使头部产生剪力和摩擦力从而导致颅脑内的血管、神经和纤维组织等的损伤, 临床上将这些损伤常归为弥散性轴索损伤(DAI). 头部力学损伤机制分为以下两种. 线性加速度损伤

脑组织的应力波传播和脑颅相对位移引起压力梯度 (Kenner et al. 1973, Gurdjian et al. 1961). 头部在做平移运动(某一固定坐标系下测量任意两点的矢量保持为常量)时, 造成压力传播和压力梯度变化导致挫伤, 如图4 所示. 线性加速度损伤机理(translational acceleration injury mechanism)最早由 Gurdjian (1944)提出. 关于压力梯度形成的描述是: 充满液体的圆柱体壳体内的压力响应决定于壳体刚度、刚体加速度和液体的体积弹性模量. 基于这3个参数, 压力的零点可能在运动方向上的任何位置产生 (Kopecky et al. 1969). 也就是说, 压力梯度由刚体运动的加速度和变形引起. 之后, 有学者将装有部分液体的玻璃试管加速下落, 液体中的张力在最深处达到最大, 而在表面为零. 如果试管受到强烈的忽然打击, 以至于液体的张力超过了抗张强度, 液体将会分离并产生暂时的空洞. 对于装满液体并且两端密封的试管, 设想液体比玻璃更容易压缩, 碰撞中试管受到碰撞侧的液体压力和碰撞对侧的液体的张力形成了压力梯度. 在此基础上提出接触性的冲击产生的线性加速度使得脑中流体物质产生压力梯度, 压力梯度使得对侧负压产生并形成空腔, 认为空腔形成的气穴现象是平移伤害机理的原因 (Gross 1958a, 1958b). 但一些学者认为, 气穴虽然对集中性损伤有影响, 但是不能当作致伤的主要原因. 研究人员使用充满硅胶的颅骨模型进行碰撞实验, 在冲击力达到$130\sim 170 g$以上时, 碰撞对侧观察到泡沫的出现 (Ommaya et al. 1994, 1996). 临床研究也表明, 相对静止的头部被碰撞时对侧伤少见, 但运动的头部碰撞静止物体过程中伤情相反. 于是提出脑的运动滞后于颅骨和颅骨在碰撞侧发生变形导致颅内压力增加并针对冲击侧损伤和对侧伤开展研究 (Yanagida et al. 1989; Hosey et al. 1982; Ruan et al. 1994; Kumaresan et al. 1995, 1996).


图4   脑损伤机制示意图 旋转加速度损伤

脑与颅骨之间存在角度相对运动产生高剪切应力导致脑组织损伤, 同时颅骨内表面粗糙造成脑组织挫伤. 牛津大学学者最先提出剪应变理论, 即旋转加速度损伤机理(rotational acceleration injury mechanism), 认为脑组织体积模量高于剪切模量, 而局部应力与剪切应变是对应成比例的 (Holbourn 1943). 他们的实验结果表明, 旋转加速度导致的高剪应变是脑损伤的主要原因, 大多数损伤发生在颞骨基部、颅底蝶骨隆起的形状在颅骨与脑组织之间发生大的相对移动时产生了摩擦力致伤, 旋转导致脑的剪切应力引起损伤程度与旋转加速度成正比. 头部在任何轴向突然旋转时, 由于颅骨、脑膜、脑组织和脑脊液的比重、脑白质和脑灰质之间的比重均有差别, 导致运动速度亦不相同, 各种组织之间相对位移产生剪切应力, 而脑组织抗剪切应力系数极低, 易使神经细胞轴索, 甚至小血管撕裂. 同时一侧大脑半球与另一侧大脑半球间也可发生相对运动, 导致胼胝体损伤. 因此剪切伤容易发生在较薄弱的白质, 如白质与灰质的交界处、胼胝体、上位脑干的背外侧部, 特别是小脑上脚和内侧丘系, 导致"弥漫性轴索损伤", 因此推测旋转加速度比直线加速度更容易导致意识丧失及弥散性轴索损伤. 之后一些学者基于Holbourn提出的旋转加速度损伤假设开展研究, 认为弥散性轴索神经伤主要与旋转伤害有关, 脑震荡和血肿在旋转和平移碰撞中都可能发生 (Ward et al. 1975, Willinger et al. 1995). 实际上损伤是碰撞和各种作用机理综合作用的结果. 假设将头部看做是瓶中装水, 当瓶旋转时, 无滑动的边界条件将导致在中心位置的水保持静止而最外层的水与瓶子一起旋转. 紧贴瓶子内表面的水微粒将与其他没有附着在瓶子上的微粒分离. 这一过程引起了较大的剪切应变. 在脑中, 这样的剪切应变将损害桥静脉, 导致脑溢血和血肿. 当旋转继续下去, 剪切应变将扩展到脑的深处, 并导致弥散性损伤. 然而, 该理论无法解释碰撞同侧和对侧伤害的发生.

综上所述, 以上的理论分析都包括损伤事故分析、临床数据观测和动物实验模拟证实, 但仍然不能解释全部损伤结果, 而应是这些联合作用造成的, 多种载荷作用导致组织结构出现变形进而发生病变和功能障碍.

4.1.2 脊柱损伤

人体的脊柱是人体躯干的中轴骨, 具有维持人体直立, 容纳和保护各部分内脏器官的功能. 脊柱各椎体之间由椎间盘和韧带连接并由肌肉维持其稳定性. 弹射过程脊柱损伤最多发的是脊柱压缩性骨折, 因此航天器以及救生系统设计中主要考虑+Gz向冲击引起的脊柱生物力学响应. 最早期研究主要以单块椎骨压缩强度作为脊柱损伤的力学响应判别依据 (Geertz 1954, Ruff 1950, Nachemson 1960). 随后研究者们开始关注冲击载荷作用下分段式(如颈、胸、腰段)动力学响应测试, 并结合数学模型验证可靠性 (Benedict 1972). 我国研究者通过成人椎骨静态和动态耐受能力实验研究, 结果表明加载持续时间大于 100 ms 椎体对动静载的耐力差别不大, 小于 100 ms 椎体对动载耐力大于静载耐力并提出 $21 g$ 是开伞冲击动载人体脊柱最大耐限, 并对人体的颈部和腰部脊柱整体节段进行了压缩时屈服压力、屈服变形、刚度等生物力学参数的测量, 得出颈、胸腰椎的整体抗压缩性能, 平均屈服压力为 5276 N (刘炳坤等 2007). 此外, 基于小型冲击试验机对于成人胸腰椎骨的冲击韧性测出椎骨的冲击韧性均值为290.858 N·cm/cm2. 弹射实验表明, 当过载为$17.8\sim 20.7g$ 时脊柱无损伤, 而过载达到 $23.8\sim 26.2g$ 时, 则 60%概率发生骨折 (吴桂荣等 2006).

综上所述, 弹射救生时引起的脊柱损伤多为脊柱骨折,影响脊柱损伤的因素通常包括以下几方面:

(1)弹射时的座姿和飞机状态: 正确体位可保证脊柱自然排列, 各关节面的相互接触面最大, 单位面积受力最小, 耐力最高; 身体前倾时, 椎体前缘集中受力容易受损. 大量研究表明, 弹射瞬间时飞行员的座姿对造成其损伤程度具有重要影响 (Lewis 2002). 飞行员不同体位下承受垂直冲击时, 弯曲状态最易受伤, 正坐次之, 过伸更次之, 结果具有显著差异, 说明座姿非常重要 (Prasad et al. 1974). 据统计, 平飞状态弹射仅占 14%, 俯冲、侧飞、倒飞、螺旋、起飞和着陆时弹射几率较大, 在这些特殊情况下弹射, 飞行员会离开座椅或呈现一侧受力, 难以维持正确的弹射姿势, 加上背带系统固定的不牢靠的话更易产生身体扭曲而引起损伤, 于是飞行状态是影响座姿的首要因素 (Chubb et al. 1967, Raj et al. 2020).

(2)座垫的动态响应: 弹射时+Gz 加速度通过座垫再传到飞行员身上, 人体系统的动态响应直接与其阻尼、固有频率相关, 因此座垫阻尼小, 压缩性大, 固有频率低都可导致人体产生的超调较大, 弹射时硬座垫超调小, 人体耐力高. 高加速度作用下不同飞机座垫材料对于脊柱损伤实验表明两英寸的加厚泡沫橡胶座垫会明显增加脊柱损伤的风险, 而且越厚越显著 (Mondal et al. 2020). 有学者根据人体动态响应特点, 提出弹射座垫人体工程学要求, 在弹射开始后 10 ms 以内, 座椅垫压至最薄, 人坐后坐骨结节处的厚度不要超过 15 mm 以减少超调 (都承斐等 2014).

(3)弹射过载: 过载值越大, 越容易损伤. 瑞典皇家空军数据显示, 弹射过载为 $15g\sim 20g$ 时无损伤, 而过载为 $20g\sim 25g$ 时, 发生脊柱骨折约占 41% (honkanen 2019). 当过载为 $17.8 g\sim 20.7 g$ 时脊柱无损伤, 而过载达到 $23.8 g\sim 26.2 g$ 时, 则 60%概率发生骨折 (吴桂荣等 2006). 当过载值一定时, 增长率越大, 脊柱损伤几率越高, 原因是过载曲线上升部分的频率成分含有与脊柱固有频率相同分量导致引起谐振大, 更容易损伤. 弹射过载增长率与人体动态响应关系密切. 在实际飞行中曾发现弹射过载为 12 g, 增长率为每秒 $600 g\sim 800 g$ 也引起椎骨骨折, 说明人体发生动态超调, 脊柱实际受到较大的过载值而造成骨折. 过载一定时, 过载作用时间对脊柱损伤影响也很大, 如果作用时间为 0.1 s, 可耐受 $20 g$, 若将作用时间缩短至 0.01 s, 可耐受 $25 g\sim 28 g$. 因此, 一般用弹射过载峰值、持续时间和加速度增长率三要素来对人体的耐限进行评估 (Song et al. 2019).

除了上述主要因素外, 还有部分学者对飞行员性别差异、座椅几何尺寸、人椅约束系统和反复暴露在冲击荷载下骨组织的适应性以及弹射座椅在弹射过程中的稳定性等因素对人体弹射的影响做了研究 (Franklyn et al. 2017).

4.1.3 下肢损伤

军事跳伞着陆过程中, 跳伞者在落地瞬间承受了巨大的地面反力, 地面反力通过足部传递到下肢部位, 从而造成下肢部位的损伤. 我国在2010年的调查中发现, 跳伞损伤概率为1.4%, 其中着陆过程中的损伤占82.6% (王忠仁等 2010). 下肢部位的损伤会降低跳伞者的行动能力, 甚至丧失行动能力, 不仅影响军事行动, 还会增加医护成本, 因此有必要研究跳伞着陆过程中下肢的力学效应, 从而实现降低下肢损伤的目的.

关于跳伞着陆过程中的下肢的力学效应, 国内外进行了大量的研究. 针对国内所采用的半蹲式跳伞着陆动作, 冯文树等 (1985)建立了一个人体的多刚体数学模型, 结合高速摄影法获取了半蹲式跳伞着陆时人体各个部位的冲击力, 结果表明, 足部所承受的冲击力峰值最大, 其次是小腿、大腿, 当平台高度为1.0 m时, 足部冲击力最大为1769.8 kg, 平台高度为2.0 m, 足部冲击力最大为2438.0 kg. 郑超等 (2014)人设计了30 cm和60 cm两种跳台高度来模拟两种跳伞着陆速度, 实验结果表明, 在30 cm跳台下, 垂直地面反力5181.5 N, 缓冲时间1.73 s; 在60 cm跳台下, 垂直地面反力7119.5 N, 缓冲时间1.617 s. Niu等 (2010b, 2013a, 2014)设计跳台实验模拟3种跳伞着陆速度(32 cm, 52 cm和72 cm跳台高度), 使受试者采用半蹲式跳伞着陆姿势, 计算出了在3种高度下的垂直地面反力峰值分别为3.76倍体重、4.19倍体重和5.75倍体重, 踝关节背屈角分别为8.9$^\circ$, 10.0$^\circ$和17.6$^\circ$, 还推算出着陆高度和垂直地面反力之间的关系式. 国外采用的跳伞着陆姿势与国内不同, 为五点式跳伞着陆姿势, Whitting等 (2007)设计实验模拟3种跳伞着陆速度(2.1 m/s, 3.3 m/s和4.6 m/s), 并且同时模拟了水平偏移速度(2.3 m/s). 实验结果表明, 在最大着陆速度下, 地面反作用力大约为13.7倍体重, 在最小速度下, 地面冲击力约为6.1倍体重. Kwok等 (2003)设计了两种不同的着陆速度(4.27 m/s和5.18 m/s), 研究了跳伞着陆冲击损伤的生物力学特性. 结果表明, 在4.27 m/s着陆速度下, 垂直地面反力第一个峰值大小为6.45倍体重, 第二个峰值大小为9.34倍体重; 在5.18 m/s着陆速度下, 垂直地面反力第一个峰值大小为11.31倍体重, 第二个峰值大小为14.07倍体重 (Kwok et al. 2003). Kwok等 (2003)还建立了一个刚性椭球体和关节组成的人体跳伞着陆有限元模型, 在有限元模型中施加20%的肌肉水平, 在足踝部位添加了主动元件和被动元件以更好地模拟足踝肌肉运动, 用实验结果验证了该模型计算出的冲击力、关节力和力矩、动力学数据和肌肉活动的准确性. 尽管, 国内外采取的跳伞着陆姿势不同, 但是得出的结论可以相互参考.

在实际跳伞情况中, 跳伞人员通常携带一定重量的装备、武器和生活用品等, 这是完成任务所必须的. 负重会增加着陆时的地面反力并加大受伤概率 (Sell et al. 2010). 有研究表明, 在跳伞着陆时, 负重会使损伤提高到没有负重时的2.6倍 (Knapik et al. 2016). 另有研究表明, 当跳伞者的体重与负重的重量之和为70 kg时, 着陆速度为6.0 m/s, 跳伞者的受伤概率为36%; 而体重与负重的重量之和为106 kg时, 着陆速度增加到7.0 km/s, 受伤概率提升到50% (吴明磊 2002). 冯文树等(1986)研究了负重26.5 kg从0.5 m平台高度上跳下时足部的冲击力, 发现负重跳伞着陆时足部冲击力为360.6 kg, 小于不负重时的495.3 kg, 这种看似反常的现象是由于受试者在负重跳下时, 用前脚掌先落地, 紧接着脚后跟落地, 延长了着陆缓冲时间, 降低了足部冲击力, 而无负重时是全脚掌同时落地, 缓冲时间短, 足部冲击力大. 除了负重外, 不正确的着陆姿势也是导致跳伞着陆损伤的原因之一. 在挪威的一项调查中表明, 不正确着陆姿势所引起的损伤占所有跳伞损伤的71% (Ekeland 1997). 不及时调整不正确的着陆姿势, 导致下肢过硬, 分腿落地或者伸手撑地, 可能会导致损伤 (Bricknell et al. 1999). 李毅等 (2014)研究了从60 cm高台下以半蹲式并腿和分腿式跳伞着陆姿势时足底压力的分布特点, 发现并腿跳时足底压强小于分腿跳时的足底压强. 不良的着陆场地同样会增加跳伞着陆损伤, 如坚硬的地面、夜晚着陆等 (Hallel et al. 1975, Knapik et al. 2016). 调查研究表明, 夜晚着陆时损伤是白天着陆时的1.76倍 (Knapik et al. 2016). Li 等 (2013)研究了地面刚度对足底压力的影响. 结果表明, 硬地面使第一至第四跖骨和中足区域的压强较大, 第五跖骨区域压强较小. Niu等 (2013b)使用不同厚度的EVA材料模拟不同的地面刚度, 发现跳落在不同厚度的EVA材料上, 地面反力无显著变化. 跳伞着陆损伤的影响因素总结如图5.


图5   跳伞着陆损伤影响因素

4.2 损伤的力学生物学效应

从生物学角度看, 组织损伤与修复是一个复杂的生物学过程, 其中涉及到细胞的凋亡、迁移、增殖、诱导再生、信号诱导、酶的作用和基因调控等. 外界环境的变化导致组织发生宏观变形, 超出了强度极限导致破坏引起损伤, 同时也引起分子与基因层次的变化. 通常来说, 航天环境下较多面临失重, 会影响到细胞的力学生物学响应, 造成人体生理功能的紊乱或损伤; 航空环境下较频繁的加速度变化也常造成损伤, 尤其是三个轴向的加速度快速变化, 尽管动态加速度变化较为快速, 但对其力学生物学效应来说, 飞行员长期的训练或执行任务过程, 其体内组织力学生物学响应机制来说也是一个缓慢而长期的过程. 此外, 人体器官的损伤是内部不同尺度和层次的组织损伤累积效应, 关于跨尺度跨层次系统研究过载性损伤的机制和生物力学响应是本领域值得深入研究的内容, 这是该领域未来发展的一个方向. 本文就现有研究状况, 以失重为例来阐述力学载荷对骨代谢异常等方面的生物学影响.

人体骨骼失重条件下因失去应力刺激而导致每月$1%\sim 2%$骨质流失, 腰、颈、盆骨和股骨这些承重骨的骨密度下降更明显, 并且随飞行时间延长, 承重骨的骨量丢失可达19% (Marie et al. 2000, Hughes-Fulford 2002), 有些部位骨小梁丢失程度非常严重, 以至于航天员返回后, 太空环境造成的骨丢失导致长时间内难以完全恢复, 加剧了废用性骨质疏松性骨折风险, 甚至造成完全不可逆损伤 (Wronski et al. 1982), 如图6. 因此, 如何有效防止航空航天过载或失重性环境下骨质丢失及可能导致的不良病理反应也越来越重要. 一般来说, 航天员所面临的微重力诱导的骨质丢失主要表现为骨量减少、骨骼脱矿、骨密度降低、骨的力学 性能下降和钙磷代谢不平衡都是由重力环境变化引起的. 研究显示, 空间飞行中骨丢失主要出现在承重骨中 (Vogel et al. 1976). 失重会抑制承重骨的生长代谢, 以人体下肢长骨为例, 骨干中段皮质骨厚度显著变薄, 骺板厚度减小, 尤其是增殖层和肥大细胞层变薄, 初级骨小梁稀疏且短粗, 次级骨小梁数目较少 (Jee et al. 1983). 实际上, 结构形态发生变化的本质原因是微重力对成骨细胞的影响作用所致. 成骨细胞是骨组织中最重要的力学感受细胞和成骨效应细胞, 感受到的主要是骨间隙液体流动所产生的流体剪切力. 成骨细胞可通过力敏感离子通道、G蛋白与酪氨酸激酶、整合素受体与细胞骨架等多种途径, 感受体内外力学刺激, 并将力学刺激信号转化为生物化学信号, 介导力相关敏感基因表达, 激活信号网络级联反应, 参与一系列复杂的生理病理活动.


图6   (a) 正常骨, (b) 骨丢失(骨质疏松)

微重力影响成骨细胞的分化. 成骨细胞分化是骨骼形成和维持骨量的关键步骤, 研究表明, 空间失重性骨丢失的主要原因是成骨细胞的分化障碍 (Morey et al. 1978, Carmeliet et al. 1997, Oganov et al. 2004), 表现为未分化的成骨祖细胞增多, 前成骨细胞数量减少且活性下降 (Turner et al. 1995, Zerath et al. 2000). 大鼠骨质中未分化的骨祖细胞数量在空间飞行18.5 d后明显增加 (Roberts et al. 1982). 成骨细胞分化的标志物(PICP, ALP, OCN)的浓度在飞行$20\sim 30$ d之后才下降, 说明只有新生的成骨细胞对空间失重环境有反应, 而成熟的成骨细胞活性不变 (Caillot-Augusseau et al. 1998, Collet et al. 1997). 小鼠颅盖骨细胞在RCCS模拟失重效应条件下培养7 d, 不能矿化, ALP活性显著下降, 且这种分化的抑制不是骨吸收和细胞凋亡引起 (Zayzafoom et al. 2004). 因此失重效应可能抑制骨祖细胞或前成骨细胞的增殖、分化, 使骨骼中成熟的成骨细胞减少. 空间飞行实验显示, 大鼠骨小梁与生长性软骨骺相连部分的成骨细胞数目减少, 胫骨干的膜内成骨下降, 近端胫骨的成骨细胞体积下降, 腰椎的成骨细胞数目下降, 成骨细胞胶原分泌减少 (Jee et al. 1983, Wronski et al. 1982, Doty 1985). MC3T3-E1前成骨细胞在空间飞行后细胞数目减少, 应力纤维发生变化, 前列腺素E2分泌下降 (Hughes-Fulford et al. 1996). 在模拟微重力效应条件下, 成骨细胞的Col1a1, ALP和OCN的表达都下调, CoIIa1基因启动子的活性下降, 成骨细胞对FSS的敏感性下降, 信号分子FAK的磷酸化也受到影响 (Kunisada et al. 1997, Dai et al. 2006, Guignandon et al. 2001).

微重力影响成骨细胞增殖及细胞周期变化. 在失重条件下, 细胞周期直接受到失重的作用发生改变, 细胞从G1期进入S期受到抑制, 导致细胞增殖能力下降, 可能是造成失重性骨丢失的重要原因. 人胚胎肺细胞WI-38在Skylab3上飞行时, 细胞生长非常缓慢, 每个细胞周期大约延迟2 h (Hughes-Fulford 1991, Kumei et al. 2006). 通过DNA含量比较, Kumei等 (1996)发现飞行$4\sim 5$ d后细胞增殖显著降低. 在STS-56飞行的MC3T3-E1前成骨细胞细胞生长显著减慢、数量减少60% (Hughes-Fulford et al. 1996). 张晓铀等 (2000)在模拟微重力条件下, 成骨细胞增殖受到抑制, G0/G1期细胞数量显著增加, 而S期与G2期细胞数量明显少于对照组, 细胞生长缓慢.

微重力影响肌动蛋白细胞骨架的改变. 细胞骨架是首先感受力刺激的结构, 成骨细胞对外源力刺激信号的反应主要由F-actin肌动蛋白响应. 微重力环境下, 细胞骨架的应力纤维数量下降, 细胞形态异常 (Hughes-Fulford et al. 1996). MC3T3-E1前成骨细胞在空间飞行时应力纤维数量减少, 细胞形态发生改变, 细胞核缩小30%, 形状由圆形变为椭圆形, 同时细胞应力纤维数目减少 (Doty 1985). 空间飞行也使胫骨成骨细胞胞质变小 (Turner et al. 1995). 模拟微重力效应作用24 h即可破坏成骨细胞肌动蛋白细胞骨架, 改变其细胞形态和细胞核形态, 引起细胞自分泌和细胞周期基因表达的变化, 导致细胞凋亡 (Sarkar et al. 2000, Carmeliet et al. 1999, Hughes-Fulford et al. 2006).

实际上, 组织损伤的力学效应和生物学效应是相互影响、相互作用的. 也就是说组织的变形尤其是超出了其本身的强度极限的同时也伴随着生物学效应的变化. 因此, 损伤与防护生物力学的研究中考察其力学效应的同时也必须从生物学角度解释其变化规律.

5 损伤评价标准

人体耐受度和损伤标准(injury criterion)是反映引起某一程度损伤发生的损伤力学因素, 用来区别和衡量损伤程度(severity), 同时也是损伤生物力学研究的重要内容以及损伤防护研究的基础. 在航空医学工程中常采用相关的损伤指数和损伤耐限来判断损伤风险. 在此基础上制定具体措施和研发新装备, 目前已形成的较为完备的评价损伤标准的主要有头部和颈部, 关于眼部、脏器及下肢等多数采用特定参数来判定损伤的阶段, 尚无基于运动学数据来直接判定损伤程度的标准.

5.1 头部损伤评价标准

20世纪60年代初, 美国韦恩州立大学首先通过动物和尸体冲击实验提出了人体头部对冲击的耐受曲线即著名的韦恩耐受度曲线 (Wayne State Head Injury Tolerance Curve, WSTC), 对头部损伤耐受度最先进行了量化描述, 以人头部受到的冲击加速度的大小和作用时间来定量, 通常认为冲击加速度的峰值$400 g$的作用时间小于1 ms, $200 g$的作用时间小于2 ms, $150 g$的作用时间小于4 ms, 人体头部不发生颅骨骨折或脑震荡, 而大于此限值则可能有生命危险 (Lissner et al. 1960), 如图7.


图7   韦恩耐受度曲线 (Lissner et al. 1960)

为了解决在比较复杂的加速度–时间关系下用WSTC 进行损伤耐受度的计算, Gadd (1966)提出了一种加权加速度指数(GSI). 在前碰撞时, Gadd确定的产生脑震荡的耐受度阈值是$GSI =1000$. 在比较综合WSTC和GSI的基础上美国联邦机动车安全标准(FMVSS)提出了头部损伤耐受度(head injury criterion, HIC)的计算公式并规定$HIC=1000$为头部线性加速度耐受度阈值. 目前HIC在头部碰撞损伤防护研究中广泛使用, 主要用来评价由线性加速度导致的头部损伤, 不足之处在于它只考虑头部在前后方向的载荷, 未考虑角速度和角加速度所产生的影响 (Versace 1971, Hans-Wolfgang 1998). 此外, 它是基于头部整体运动学数据来评价头部损伤的, 而实际上颅脑损伤常是组织水平上发生的撕拉应力应变产生的损伤. Newman (1986)提出了新的头部损伤评价标准GAMBIT (generalized acceleration model for brain injury threshold), 这一标准首次同时考虑了旋转加速度和平移加速度对损伤的影响. 为了研究头部碰撞导致的与脑组织应变相关的脑损伤, Bandak等 (1994)提出了一种测量方法用于评估脑部应变伤害的广度和严重程度. 研究者认为在头部碰撞中, 遭受超过一定限值的拉伸应变的脑实质累积体积, 与DAI损伤有一定关系. CSDM (cumulative strain damage measure)测量脑部遭受不同水平的应变区域占整个脑部的体积百分比, 当这一百分比超过一定量值, 就可以认为损伤产生. 这一方法在他的SIMon头部有限元模型中进行了测试, 结果表明CSDM值主要与旋转加速度有关, 并且头部绕前后方向的轴选择可能导致更严重的损伤. Eppinger等 (2001)研究指出, 当CSDM值超过5.5%可能导致轻微的DAI损伤的出现. Newman等 (2000)在分析了24个头部碰撞案例的基础上提出了新的头部损伤评估标准HIP (head impact power). 为了分析方便, 他只对头部与头部的碰撞进行了分析和重建. 选择头部动能的极值作为头部损伤的耐受极限. 这一标准同时考虑了6个方向的运动以及方向敏感性, 将能量的变化率与损伤相关联. 根据损伤特点, 我们可选用相应的损伤标准进行分析.

弹射救生过程中产生的高+Gz载荷最容易导致颈椎骨折, 而飞行机动时的头部运动也可能导致颈椎骨折, 这种急性骨折是航空医学工程领域中需要重点防护的损伤类型之一 (Schall 1983). 随着弹射救生的发展, 飞行员会在佩戴不同装备的条件下面对不同峰值、甚至是不同类型的弹射载荷, 针对这些装备条件和弹射载荷开展颈椎损伤风险的生物力学评估是制定防护措施、开发新型防护装备的基础.

5.2 颈部损伤评价标准

车辆碰撞中的颈部挥鞭样损伤是交通安全领域最具困扰性的问题之一, 也是头颈部生物力学研究的热点. 现有的头颈部多刚体动力学模型和有限元模型大都针对交通安全领域的颈部损伤研究而开发的 (De Jager 1994, De Horst 2002, Lopik et al. 2007, Teo et al. 2007, Panzer et al. 2011, 杨济匡等 2005, 薛强等 2008). 本课题组基于现有人体头颈部多体系统动力学建模技术和有限元建模技术, 建立了包含颈部主要肌肉的人体头颈部多体系统动力学模型和包含颈部主要组织的有限元全颈椎模型, 在此基础上探讨了两者间的耦合建模和应用方法并将其用于航空航天环境下头颈部损伤机制及评价标准研究(图8).


图8   多刚体头颈部模型和有限元模型的一种耦合方法 (Wang et al. 2018)

由于航空医学工程领域没有相关可用的损伤风险评估指数, 目前多采用汽车安全领域常用的损伤风险指数, 常用的标准主要有3个: ① $Nic$指数 (Bostrom et al. 1996); ② $Nij$指数 (Kleinberger et al. 1998); ③ $Nkm$指数 (Schmitt et al. 2001). 下面将简要介绍这三种损伤风险指数的特点和适用范围, 以确定适用于航空医学工程领域的人体头颈部损伤风险评估方法.

(1) $Nic$指数: 主要用于$+Gx$载荷作用下的人体颈部神经损伤, 这种损伤在航空医学工程领域很少出现. 研究者们通过开发一个用于预测颈椎椎管腔内压力变化与体积变化间关系的流体力学模型, 结合动物实验, 研究发现: 神经损伤和椎管内的压力瞬变都与头部后向运动时的颈部S型通道相移有关系, 即, 当上部颈椎从前弯向后弯快速变化时, 会发生神经损伤和椎管内压力瞬变 (Bostrom et al. 1996). Bostrom等 提出了$Nic$指数

$ Nic=L\cdot a(t)+v^2(t) $

其中, $L$是人体颈部长度, $a(t)$和$v(t)$分别是颈部上下两端的相对加速度和相对速度. 这一理论公式是在针对$+Gx$情况下的颈部生物力学响应研究时获得的, 对应的情况为汽车安全领域的后撞情形. 该理论公式的正确性在逻辑上得到了交通事故大量统计数据的支持, 但仍需要进一步的证伪、检验和修正. 在航空医学工程利用, +Gx过载带来的飞行员头颈部损伤问题并不突出, 包括舰载机弹射起飞和机动飞行中的$+Gx$载荷水平和加载率都不高, 由此带来的神经问题也未见报道.

(2) $Nij$指数: 主要用于人体矢状面内不同运动形式下颈椎关节作用力中轴向作用力(准则化后的)高于剪切力(准则化后的)时的情况, 适用于航空医学工程领域中的弹射救生等载荷$Gz$显著大于其他两种载荷的情况. $Nij$指数是目前美国机动车安全标准中采用的指数(Kleinberger et al. 1998). 这一指数综合考虑了颈椎轴向作用(拉伸和压缩)与弯曲(前弯与后弯)的综合效果. $Nij$指数中的$ij$表示4种损伤机制的组合: 拉伸后弯、拉伸前弯、压缩后弯和拉伸前弯, 代表了人体头颈部矢状面内运动时导致的四种组合载荷状态 (Kleinberger et al. 1998). 在$Nij$指数的开发过程中综合考虑了从假人碰撞实验中获得的大量信息, 以及信息之间的重要程度. 最终用来评估颈部损伤风险的人体头颈部矢状面内运动相关参数有3个: 轴向力$Fz$, 剪切力$Fx$和前弯后弯产生的力矩$My$. 这三项力和力矩在计算中需要使用拉伸、压缩、前弯和后弯的相应临界值进行正则化, 正则化的前弯和后弯力矩加上正则化的轴向力就用来计算载荷和力矩的综合作用. 因此, 建议的损伤$Nij$指数可由正则化的力和正则化的力矩之和来计算

$ Nij=\dfrac{Fz}{Fint}+\dfrac{My}{Mint} $

其中, $Fz$是轴向力, $Fint$是用于正则化的轴向力临界截距值, $My$是前弯或后弯的弯曲力矩, $Mint$是用于正则化的力矩临界截距值. 对不同尺寸的人体或假人使用上述$Nij$指数进行颈部损伤风险评估时, 需要对正则化的力和力矩进行缩放, Kleinberger等 (1998)推荐的轴向力和前后弯曲力矩的正则化值如表1 所示. 表1 所示数据均是采用假人实验获得的, 在用于人体的模拟时还需要进一步的修正. $Nij$指数是针对人体矢状面内头颈部各种运动和组合运动模式进行损伤分析的一种指数. 在航空医学工程中常见的弹射救生过程和机动飞行过程中可能出现的颈部骨折等损伤, 适合使用此指数进行评估. 但若弹射或机动飞行中存在明显的侧向过载$Gy$, 则此指数不可用.

表1   不同人体轴向力和前后弯曲力矩的正则化临界值(王亚伟等 2016)

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(3) $Nkm$指数: 是对$Nij$指数的一种改进型, 更适用于载荷$Gx$作用下颈椎关节作用力中剪切力(准则化后的)高于轴向力(准则化后的)情况, 这种情况对应的颈部损伤在航空医学工程领域也较为少见, 是目前汽车交通安全领域常用的一种损伤风险评估指数. 此指数是基于和$Nkm$相同的假设, 即颈部损伤阈值是轴向力和力矩的线性综合值. $Nkm$指数的开发过程也与$Nij$指数非常相似, 因此可以认为$Nkm$是$Nij$指数的改进型. 该指数开发的主要目标是将其应用于后碰情况下的人体颈部损伤评估, 而在相关实验研究中矢状面内的剪切力对颈椎关节的伤害要高于轴向力, 因此在该指数的定义中, Schmitt等 (2001)采用矢状面内的剪切力代替轴向力作用损伤判据的计算参数, 其计算式为

$ Nkm=\dfrac{Fx}{Fint}+\dfrac{My}{Mint} $

其中, $Fx$是矢状面内的剪切力, $Fint$是用于正则化的剪切力临界截距值, $My$是前弯或后弯的弯曲力矩, $Mint$是用于正则化的力矩临界截距值. 从上述简介中可以看出, $Nkm$更适合用于载荷$Gx$作用下的颈椎运动损伤风险判断(在这种情况下颈椎关节的剪切力通常比轴向力更大), 而$Nij$则可能更适合于其他类型的颈椎矢状面内运动风险的判断 (如弹射救生过程中, 轴向的压缩力要远高于矢状面内的颈椎关节剪切力).

对于其他部位, 尚未建立明确的损伤评价标准及耐受极限, 因此该方面的工作还有待于继续探索, 建立针对不同载荷环境下各个部位的损伤准则及评定标准, 可为国防、交通、体育运动人体防护提供参考.

6 防护装备

碰撞和冲击是十分常见的现象. 在航空航天领域, 各种负载条件下飞行员会不断地受到冲击, 这将严重威胁到飞行安全. 在交通和体育运动中, 碰撞也几乎不可避免. 针对人体碰撞与冲击损伤开展保护同样也是一个重要的问题. 实际上, 研究学者们针对抗冲击防护展开了一系列的研究. 为了降低由于各种碰撞造成的人体组织或器官损伤, 采用具有抗冲击性的装备或材料来进行全身或者局部的防护. 防护装备抗冲击的关键在于抗冲击结构和材料. 目前抗冲击结构设计的基本原理是: 在外部冲击的作用下, 抗冲击结构发生变形, 通过变形或者内部的黏弹性耗散来吸收碰撞和冲击的能量, 增加冲击的作用时间, 降低撞击力, 从而起到防护作用.

目前在抗冲击结构和材料设计方面存在着一些不足. 在防护结构的布置上, 需要更多针对人体不同部位特征考虑局部冲击载荷特点, 传统的防护更多采用均匀分布的方式, 可以起防护作用, 但没有过多关注减重. 有时候不必要的结构将增加整体结构质量并使质心发生偏移, 质量的增加和质心的偏移不仅会严重影响防护效果, 甚至还会带来额外的损伤风险. 比如飞行员头盔设计中, 高速过载环境下头盔质量的增加和质心的偏移会造成飞行员头盔部过度疲劳甚至损伤, 增加事故发生的风险. 其次, 为了增加冲击的作用时间和结构的能量吸收, 现有冲击防护中多采用可发生大变形的材料和结构, 如采用聚苯乙烯泡沫作为头盔的缓冲层, 增加了结构尺寸和体积, 过大的变形会影响冲击结构的质心分布进而降低了防护装备的稳定性. 因此, 如何对抗冲击结构进行优化设计, 提出新的设计方法就显得尤为重要, 以下将以弹射救生中的头部防护和跳伞着陆中的下肢防护作为例子介绍防护思路和方法.

6.1 弹射救生中的头部防护装备

航空飞行也是容易导致颈部损伤的典型领域. 自1988年以来, 有关高G载荷导致飞行员颈部损伤的报告显著增多 (柳松杨等 2010). 航空飞行中的加速度环境与交通安全领域存在显著的差异: 首先, 航空飞行中的冲击载荷主要产生于弹射救生和伞降着陆时的$z$ (头-足方向)加速度, 而交通安全领域则主要是冲击性的$x$向加速度(胸背方向); 其次, 航空飞行中还存在典型的持续性加速度引起的颈部损伤, 这是交通安全领域中不存在的情况. 尽管, 目前有研究采用头颈部模型开展航空飞行加速度环境下的头颈部损伤研究 (Huston et al. 1978, Hamalainen 1993), 但在模型丰富程度和研究深度上都与交通安全领域的相关研究存在差距.

头盔作为飞行员必备装备可有效保护头部免受损伤增强战斗力, 其作战效能有目共睹. 然而, 在高空作战过程中头盔过重、抗冲击性能不足仍然是引起飞行员伤亡的主要原因. 自主研发轻质、高抗冲击性能飞行头盔, 一直以来都受到世界各国的重视. 从20世纪70年代, 航空发达国家开始尝试在飞行员头盔上安装显示装置以及各种辅助设备, 以增强导航、飞行信息显示、目标跟踪和瞄准等能力. 这种变化趋势在提高武器装备性能和战斗力的同时, 也给飞行员的安全带来了威胁. 头部和头盔质心的不重合也是现代飞行头盔需要解决的问题. 头盔质心偏移产生质量惯性矩, 在高速机动过程中、冲击碰撞过程中, 会导致头部附加的转动加速度, 增加头颈部损伤的风险. 此外, 头盔是飞行员主要的防护设备, 可防止弹片穿透、弹射逃生过程中瞬间气流吹击以及各种意外的碰撞等都会严重危及飞行员的安全. 本课题组基于图8 所建立的人体多刚体动力学和有限元建模耦合模型, 分析了典型航空过载下的人体头颈部生物动力学响应规律和佩戴不同质量和转动惯量头部装置的飞行员头颈部在一种典型弹射载荷下生物动力学响应, 对损伤风险进行评估, 在此基础上提出新型防护装备设计思路. 针对较重的头部装置(WTK)和较轻的头部装置(QX)两种装置, 对典型弹射救生情况下的乘员头颈部生理响应进行分析, 通过平行轴定理将两种装置的惯性参数转到头部质心处, 获得相应的参数, 如表2 所示.

表2   两种头部装置的质量和转动惯量 (樊瑜波等 2017)

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典型弹射载荷下, 飞行员佩戴两种装备时头部绕3个轴的角位移随时间的变化过程(头部旋转运动幅度)如图9(a) 所示(其中QX表示轻型头部装置, WTK表示较重的头部装置). 在典型弹射载荷作用下飞行员头部绕$y$轴的偏转运动幅度最大, 而佩戴较重头部装置时头部的运动范围要远高于佩戴较轻的装备时的结果: 佩戴较高装置是头部$y$轴偏转可以达到约70$^\circ$, 而佩戴轻型头部装置时不到30$^\circ$. 与此同时, 典型弹射载荷下佩戴两种头部装置时飞行员颈椎C1-C2关节和C7-T1关节$z$向作用力随时间的变化也有差异(如图9(b)). 佩戴较重的头部装置时$z$向作用力峰值明显增大: 在第1个峰值处和第2个峰值处, 佩戴两种装置的C1-C2关节$z$向作用力峰值差值达到约320 N, 在第3个峰值处的作用力峰值差异达到150 N, C7-T1关节也有类似的规律. 同时, 下部颈椎作用力明显高于上部颈椎. 由此证实了飞行员头盔减重非常重要.


图9   (a) 典型弹射载荷下配两种装置时头部质心的三向角位移, (b)典型弹射载荷下戴两种装置C1-C2关节和C7-T1集总关节的$z$向作用力 (樊瑜波等 2017)

6.2 跳伞训练中的下肢防护装备

航空弹射救生、伞兵跳伞及体育运动弹跳落地过程中, 下肢损伤尤其是踝关节损伤高发. 护踝是踝关节常用的防护设备, 能够降低着陆时的踝关节损伤. 从1994年开始, 美国空军已将护踝就成为伞兵的标准防护装备. 美国共有3代护踝, 第1代护踝使用气囊填补踝关节和小腿与护踝中间的区域, 第2代产品将气囊被换为泡沫, 第3代护踝对塑料复合板进行了改变, 在后跟皮带扣一侧, 使用螺钉取代了铆钉以便于拆换后跟皮带. 最初伞兵护踝由Aircast公司生产, 这是一种靴外护踝, 具有坚硬的塑料外壳, 内外踝尖有气囊, 允许一定程度的跖屈和背屈 (Petras et al. 1983). 研究发现, 使用靴外护踝可以使踝关节内翻扭伤减少85% (Amoroso et al. 1998). 后来有研究认为, 护踝成本太高, 妨碍两足并拢影响正常着陆姿势导致Aircast护踝被停用 (Knapik et al. 2003). 随之有研究者发现, 使用护踝的费用为每年30 000美元, 而节省的治疗和康复费用为每年835 000美元, 其比值为$1:29$; 踝关节损伤概率在使用护踝前是使用护踝后的两倍, 且使用护踝并未增加踝关节以外部位损伤概率, 该研究又促使美国从2005年6月重新启用伞兵护踝 (Schmidt et al. 2005, Kasturi et al. 2005). 随后, 美国军队改与DjOrtho公司合作, 采用该公司的内置护踝 (DonJoy A-60) (Knapik et al. 2010). 1983年4月, 中国研制了伞兵使用的充气护踝, 这种装备含有气囊、气嘴和连接件部分, 利用气囊可变形的特点和气体可压缩的原理, 在着陆瞬间, 使足底承受的压力和冲击力转向足背、踝关节和小腿周围, 起到预防踝关节扭伤的作用. 研究表面, 部队训练采用该护踝可减少21%的踝关节扭伤 (颜学用等 1985). 2006年起, 中国伞兵部队配备了06系列伞兵专用护踝袜, 这种袜子采用高弹性纤维, 袜子底部加厚, 踝关节部位采用弹性织法.

实际上, 护踝的主要作用是限制踝关节活动. 研究表明, 系带式护踝对跳跃落地时地面接触初期的踝关节跖屈、跖屈极限、背屈活动度和膝关节屈曲活动度都有所下降, 但未改变竖直方向地面反力峰值 (DiStefano et al. 2008). 为了验证该结论, 研究者对15名篮网球球员进行实验研究发现, 护踝对其着陆时竖直方向地面反力峰值和达到竖直方向地面反力峰值的时间影响不明显, 对足冲击时后足和跟腱角度也没有影响 (Hopper et al. 1999). 平台跳落模拟跳伞着陆实验中, 应用了三种护踝和无防护情况进行比较发现, 不同情况下对人体冲击力峰值差异不明显 (Kasturi et al. 2005). 与此同时, 研究发现, 护踝对佩戴者下肢肌电活动产生影响, 球员配戴护踝时腓肠肌和腓骨长肌的肌电活动明显变小, 未发现其他明显的肌电活动差异 (Hopper et al. 1999). 不同姿势(10$^\circ$, 20$^\circ$和30$^\circ$ 跖屈, 30$^\circ$内翻)在配戴护踝前后着陆时腓骨长肌、腓骨短肌和胫骨前肌的反应时间具有差异 (Kernozek et al. 2008). 半刚性护踝可以有效控制踝关节扭转, 但是在跳伞着陆防护中舒适性较差. 踝关节绷带也是踝关节防护常用的一种措施, 与护踝的预防机制不同, 绷带是通过提高踝关节的功能稳定程度来达到预防踝关节扭伤的. 关于绷带对冲击力的影响也有不同的观点. 有研究表明, 在静态和动态平衡测试、跳跃时离地和落地时踝关节绷带对平衡能力和跳跃的表现没什么影响, 但频繁跳跃的运动中累积的冲击力促使关节更易损伤 (Abian-Vicen et al. 2008). 相对于护踝, 绷带使用起来比较繁琐, 使用效果更大程度上依赖于缠绕方式 (Meana et al. 2008). 关于绷带和护踝的防护作用, 目前仍然缺乏统一认识. 有研究者认为绷带仅起到一种安慰剂效用 (Sawkins et al. 2007). 多数研究认为, 护踝比绷带更能有效预防扭伤, 但都基于护踝能更有效地对关节活动进行限制, 然而关节运动学参数并不能作为评价防护装备的唯一指标. 此外, 缓冲鞋垫也可以减小对踝关节的冲击力进而起到损伤防护的作用, 鞋垫的主要作用是缓解局部足底压力过高. 有学者关注体操运动员着陆动作中垫子的硬度对最大地面反力的影响不大, 但软垫会在距舟关节和跟骰关节产生较大的最大外翻角 (Arampatzis et al. 2002).

护膝常用于保护膝关节. 和踝关节的防护原理类似, 护膝同样通过限制膝关节的运动来实现保护膝关节的目的 (Cudejko et al. 2019). 角度与角位移等运动学参数也用来评估护膝的防护效果, Wu等 (2018a, 2018b) 研究了受试者佩戴弹性护膝和半刚性护膝从0.4 m和0.8 m跳台上模拟跳伞着陆过程, 分析了膝关节的角度和角位移, 发现弹性护膝和半刚性护膝能够显著降低膝关节弯曲角度、弯曲角位移、外展角位移和外旋角度, 并且半刚性护膝比弹性护膝对这些参数的降低程度更大, 认为半刚性护膝比弹性护膝能提供更好的防护.

下肢部位的损伤会使人体降低甚至丧失行动能力, 同时增加医护成本, 因此有必要研究冲击载荷环境下下肢的损伤评估和防护方法, 从而达到降低下肢损伤的目的. 目前针对护踝、护膝、绷带、鞋垫的相关研究正在不断提升冲击载荷下护具对下肢的防护功能.

7 总结与展望

本文主要针对损伤与防护生物力学相关领域涉及的复杂力学环境下的人体损伤部位及类型、损伤风险及机制、评价标准、防护装备等方面生物力学与力学生物学研究进行总结和回顾. 人体由运动系统、循环系统、呼吸系统、消化系统、泌尿系统、生殖系统、内分泌系统、神经系统和免疫系统组成, 其中运动系统由骨、关节和骨骼肌组成, 循环系统由心脏和血管两大部分组成, 统称心血管系统 (Frederic et al. 2014). 人体是一个复杂的多系统相互作用的整体, 其损伤与康复过程涉及复杂的力学作用, 而各系统内部的力学环境变化的在体检测目前还难以完全实现, 其宏观、细观和微观尺度的物理量之间存在着一定的联系和规律 (Moore et al. 2018, Yamamoto et al. 2018). 动态载荷可使组织间的应力、应变比相对应的静态载荷下损伤风险增加2-3倍, 高G作用下产生的应变能将引发椎间盘退化、骨赘生成及骨关节炎等疾病 (Du et al. 2015, Newman 2016). 航空航天、交通事故和体育运动等过程中涉及复杂动态载荷作用对人体各部位及器官甚至整个系统产生复杂的影响, 甚至严重威胁生命安全 (Wais et al. 2018). 同时, 外部环境及人体各个系统构成一个相互影响、紧密相关的整体系统, 而不同的外部环境和防护装备等又势必导致人体响应过程及安全极限的差异性 (Fan et al. 2018). 动态冲击载荷作用下肌骨系统(头部、脊柱等)、心肺和血液循环系统损伤几率最大, 如颈部结构常因严重压缩、过度屈伸以及断裂等导致死亡 (Beckwith et al. 2018). 采用生物力学数值仿真与相应的体外生物力学模拟和测试相结合的方法已成为生物力学界所公认的有效方法 (Rahmat et al. 2011). 此外, 生物软组织是一种非线性、各向异性、超弹性且局部非均匀的材料, 软组织几何学、材料特性以及纤维旋向是影响软组织力学性能的重要因素, 需结合弹性变形理论和复合材料理论的有限元建模可以考虑这种不规则形状、非线性、非均匀材料和复杂边界情况 (Robinson et al. 2015).

然而, 动态复杂力学环境下人体多系统跨尺度耦合(宏观、微观、细观)的力学响应机制仍不清晰, 现有研究主要聚焦于宏观尺度的刚柔系统混合模型, 缺乏结合微细观尺度的人体不同系统、器官和组织之间的耦合力学响应和安全性开展细致、深入和系统的研究 (Karnjanaparichat et al. 2017). 因此, 围绕损伤与防护生物力学主题, 通过宏观、微观和细观尺度的影像技术、三维重建、高通量计算相结合, 建立多系统跨尺度耦合仿真研究平台, 并将其应用于解决人体损伤与防护领域的基础科学问题非常必要. 动态复杂载荷环境下的人体生理耐受极限已成为制约机器性能提升和发挥的瓶颈问题, 考虑外环境与人体各系统相互作用的人体损伤评价方法、防护机制, 建立具有整体系统观念的各个部位损伤耐限评价指数或准则, 预计可为人体损伤安全评估、防护与康复装备设计以及非正常动态复杂载荷条件下的紧急预案制定提供理论依据. 以上问题的解决可为航空、交通、体育运动中人体损伤与防护提供有效的手段, 可为对抗复杂动态载荷环境提供有效的手段, 为损伤防护方法和防护装备的研制提供理论基础, 同时有助于提升我国在国防、交通、体育以及养老等领域损伤与防护的能力提升和产业化水平, 推动生物力学更好服务于人类健康.

(责任编委: 戴兰宏)




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目的 通过模拟高空跳伞着陆训练环境测定不同高度半蹲式跳伞着陆状态下的踝关节角速度、地面垂直反作用力,为预防跳伞着陆踝部损伤提供生物力学依据。方法 募集18名健康志愿者,包括空军地勤人员9名、职业跳伞人员9名。两组受试者身高、体重的差异无统计学意义。受试者分别从30 cm和60 cm高的跳台以半蹲式跳伞着陆并腿姿势跳落到测力台上。高速摄像机记录着陆过程,测定踝关节跖屈角位移及时间、地面垂直反作用力,计算角速度,分析踝关节动态角位移、角速度、垂直作用力与不同高度的相关性。结果 30 cm高度:地勤人员组与跳伞运动员组踝关节角位移分别为25.73°±8.13°、20.05°±12.27°,垂直反作用力分别为(3 372.4±748.6) N、(5 181.5±1 726.2) N,受力时间分别为(0.049±0.015) s、(0.012±0.004) s,缓冲时间分别为(1.397±0.746) s、(1.737±0.451) s,差异均有统计学意义。60 cm高度:地勤人员组与跳伞运动员组踝关节角速度分别为(25.45±15.01) °/s、(16.51±4.18) °/s,垂直反作用力分别为(4 616.0±1124.7) N、(7 119.5±2 307.4) N,受力时间分别为(0.048±0.013) s、(0.015±0.006) s,缓冲时间分别为(0.922±0.347) s、(1.617±0.547) s,差异均有统计学意义。结论 从不同的测试高度跳下,跳伞运动员组的地面垂直反作用力大于地勤人员组,但角速度及角位移小于地勤人员组。对比地勤人员组,跳伞运动员组的受力时间短而缓冲时间更长。

( Zheng C, Wu J, Huang R R, Cui S C, Wen Y W, Li Y, Wu D . 2014.

Measurement of the angular velocity and perpendicular ground reaction force of the ankle joint in parachute landing simulation

Chinese Journal of Orthopedics, 34: 688-693).

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

目的 通过模拟高空跳伞着陆训练环境测定不同高度半蹲式跳伞着陆状态下的踝关节角速度、地面垂直反作用力,为预防跳伞着陆踝部损伤提供生物力学依据。方法 募集18名健康志愿者,包括空军地勤人员9名、职业跳伞人员9名。两组受试者身高、体重的差异无统计学意义。受试者分别从30 cm和60 cm高的跳台以半蹲式跳伞着陆并腿姿势跳落到测力台上。高速摄像机记录着陆过程,测定踝关节跖屈角位移及时间、地面垂直反作用力,计算角速度,分析踝关节动态角位移、角速度、垂直作用力与不同高度的相关性。结果 30 cm高度:地勤人员组与跳伞运动员组踝关节角位移分别为25.73°±8.13°、20.05°±12.27°,垂直反作用力分别为(3 372.4±748.6) N、(5 181.5±1 726.2) N,受力时间分别为(0.049±0.015) s、(0.012±0.004) s,缓冲时间分别为(1.397±0.746) s、(1.737±0.451) s,差异均有统计学意义。60 cm高度:地勤人员组与跳伞运动员组踝关节角速度分别为(25.45±15.01) °/s、(16.51±4.18) °/s,垂直反作用力分别为(4 616.0±1124.7) N、(7 119.5±2 307.4) N,受力时间分别为(0.048±0.013) s、(0.015±0.006) s,缓冲时间分别为(0.922±0.347) s、(1.617±0.547) s,差异均有统计学意义。结论 从不同的测试高度跳下,跳伞运动员组的地面垂直反作用力大于地勤人员组,但角速度及角位移小于地勤人员组。对比地勤人员组,跳伞运动员组的受力时间短而缓冲时间更长。

Abian-Vicen J, Alegre L M, Fernandez-Rodriguez J M , et al. 2008.

Ankle taping does not impair performance in jump or balance tests

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 7:350-356.

URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

This study aimed to investigate the influence of prophylactic ankle taping on two balance tests (static and dynamic balance) and one jump test, in the push off and the landing phase. Fifteen active young subjects (age: 21.0 +/- 4.4 years) without previous ankle injuries volunteered for the study. Each participant performed three tests in two different situations: with taping and without taping. The tests were a counter movement jump, static balance, and a dynamic posturography test. The tests and conditions were randomly performed. The path of the center of pressures was measured in the balance tests, and the vertical ground reaction forces were recorded during the push-off and landing phases of the counter movement jump. Ankle taping had no influence on balance performance or in the push off phase of the jump. However, the second peak vertical force value during the landing phase of the jump was 12% greater with ankle taping (0.66 BW, 95% CI -0.64 to 1.96). The use of prophylactic ankle taping had no influence on the balance or jump performance of healthy young subjects. In contrast, the taped ankle increased the second peak vertical force value, which could be related to a greater risk of injury produced by the accumulation of repeated impacts in sports where jumps are frequently performed. Key pointsAnkle taping has no influence on balance performance.Ankle taping does not impair performance during the push-off phase of the jump.Ankle taping could increase the risk of injury during landings by increasing peak forces.

Amoroso P J, Ryan J B, Bickley B , et al. 1998.

Braced for impact: Reducing military paratroopers' ankle sprains using outside-the-boot braces

Journal of Trauma, 45:575-580.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: Ankle injuries account for 30 to 60% of all parachuting injuries. This study was designed to determine if outside-the-boot ankle braces could reduce ankle sprains during Army paratrooper training. METHODS: The randomized trial involved 777 volunteers from the U.S. Army Airborne School, Fort Benning, Ga. Of this group, 745 completed all study requirements (369 brace-wearers and 376 non-brace-wearers). Each volunteer made five parachute jumps, for a total of 3,674 jumps. RESULTS: The incidence of inversion ankle sprains was 1.9% in non-brace-wearers and 0.3% in brace-wearers (risk ratio, 6.9; p = 0.04). Other injuries appeared unaffected by the brace. Overall, 5.3% of the non-brace group and 4.6% of the brace group experienced at least one injury. The risk ratio for injured individuals was 1.2:1 (non-brace to brace groups; p = 0.65). CONCLUSION: Inversion ankle sprains during parachute training can be significantly reduced by using an outside-the-boot ankle brace, with no increase in risk for other injuries.

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Neck injury sustained during exposure to high-G forces in the F16B

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Bricknell M C, Craig S C. 1999.

Military parachuting injuries: A literature review

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This article is a literature review of the aspects of military parachuting related to occupational medicine and focuses on 'conventional' military static line parachuting using a round parachute. The analysis of injuries resulting from military parachuting provide an excellent example of military occupational medicine practice. The techniques of military parachuting are described in order to illustrate the potential mechanisms of injury, and a number of 'classical' parachuting injuries are described. Finally some recommendations are made for the recording of parachute injuries which would assist in the international comparison of injury rates and anatomical distribution.

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Vertical impact tests of humans and anthropomorphic manikins

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Prevention of minor neck injuries in F-16 pilots

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Caillot-Augusseau A, Lafage-Proust M H, Soler C , et al. 1998.

Bone formation and resorption biological markers in cosmonauts during and after a 180-day space flight (Euromir 95)

Clinical Chemistry, 44:578-585.

URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Long-term spaceflights induce bone loss as a result of profound modifications of bone remodeling, the modalities of which remain unknown in humans. We measured intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) and serum calcium; for bone formation, serum concentrations of bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), intact osteocalcin (iBGP), and type 1 procollagen propeptide (PICP); for resorption, urinary concentrations (normalized by creatinine) of procollagen C-telopeptide (CTX), free and bound deoxypyridinoline (F and B D-Pyr), and Pyr in a 36-year-old cosmonaut (RTO), before (days -180, -60, and -15), during (from days 10 to 178, n = 12), and after (days +7, +15, +25, and +90) a 180-day spaceflight, in another cosmonaut (ASW) before and after the flight. Flight PTH tended to decrease by 48% and postflight PTH increased by 98%. During the flight, BAP, iBGP, and PICP decreased by 27%, 38%, and 28% respectively in CM1, and increased by 54%, 35%, and 78% after the flight. F D-Pyr and CTX increased by 54% and 78% during the flight and decreased by 29% and 40% after the flight, respectively. We showed for the first time in humans that microgravity induced an uncoupling of bone remodeling between formation and resorption that could account for bone loss.

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The characterization of spinal compression in various-sized human and manikin subjects during +Gz impact

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The effect of microgravity on morphology and gene expression of osteoblasts in vitro

FASEB Journal, 13:S129-134.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The mass and architecture of the skeletal system adapt, to some extent, to their mechanical environment. A site-specific bone loss of 1-2% is observed in astronauts and in-flight animals after 1 month of spaceflight. Biochemical data of astronauts and histomorphometric analysis of rat bones show that the change in bone mass is a result of decreased bone formation in association with normal (or increased) bone resorption. The changes in bone formation appear to be due in part to decreased osteoblast differentiation, matrix maturation, and mineralization. Recent data show that spaceflight alters the mRNA level for several bone-specific proteins in rat bone, suggesting that the characteristics of osteoblasts are altered during spaceflight. A possible underlying mechanism is that osteoblasts themselves are sensitive to altered gravity levels as suggested by several studies investigating the effect of microgravity on osteoblasts in vitro. Changes in cell and nuclear morphology were observed as well as alterations in the expression of growth factors (interleukin-6 and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins) and matrix proteins (collagen type I and osteocalcin). Taken together, this altered cellular function in combination with differences in local or systemic factors may mediate the effects of spaceflight on bone physiology.

Carmeliet G, Nys G, Bouillon R. 1997.

Microgravity reduces the differentiation of human osteoblastic MG-63 cells

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 12:786-794.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Spaceflight leads to osteopenia in both humans and animals, principally as a result of decreased bone formation, which might be the consequence of impaired osteoblast differentiation. The effect of microgravity on osteoblast differentiation in vitro was investigated using the human osteosarcoma cell line MG-63. Genes related to matrix formation and maturation were quantified both at the protein and mRNA level in untreated and hormone-treated (dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], 10(-7) M; transforming growth factor beta2 (TGF-beta2), 10 ng/ml) cells cultured for 9 days under microgravity conditions aboard the Foton 10 satellite and compared with ground and inflight unit-gravity cultures. The expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity following treatment at microgravity increased only by a factor of 1.8 compared with the 3.8-fold increase at unit-gravity (p < 0.01), whereas no alteration was detected in the production of collagen type I between unit- and microgravity. In addition, gene expression for collagen Ialpha1, ALP, and osteocalcin following treatment at microgravity was reduced to 51, 62, and 19%, respectively, of unit-gravity levels (p < 0.02). The lack of correlation between collagen type I gene and protein expression induced by microgravity is most likely related to the different kinetics of gene and protein expression observed at unit-gravity: following treatment with 1,25(OH)2D3 and TGF-beta2, collagen Ialpha1 mRNA increased gradually during 72 h, but collagen type I production was already maximal after treatment for 48 h. In conclusion, microgravity decreases the activity of osteoblasts in vitro; in particular the differentiation of osteoblasts in response to systemic hormones and growth factors is reduced by microgravity.

Case S L, Moller K M, Nix N A , et al. 2018.

Work-related nonfatal injuries in Alaska's aviation industry, 2000-2013

Safety Science, 104:239-245.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Aviation is a critical component of life in Alaska, connecting communities off the road system across the state. Crash-related fatalities in the state are well understood and many intervention efforts have been aimed at reducing aircraft crashes and resulting fatalities; however, nonfatal injuries among workers who perform aviation-related duties have not been studied in Alaska. This study aimed to characterize hospitalized nonfatal injuries among these workers using data from the Alaska Trauma Registry. During 2000-2013, 28 crash-related and 89 non-crash injuries were identified, spanning various occupational groups. Falls were a major cause of injuries, accounting for over half of non-crash injuries. Based on the study findings, aviation stakeholders should review existing policies and procedures regarding aircraft restraint systems, fall protection, and other injury prevention strategies. To supplement these findings, further study describing injuries that did not result in hospitalization is recommended.

Chaudhary A, Wasti H. 2020.

Patterns and severity of injuries in patients following road traffic accidents-a medicolegal aspects

Eastern Green Neurosurgery, 2:13-17.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Chubb R M, Braue G C, Shannon R H. 1967.

Ejection capability versus the decision to eject

Aerospace Medicine, 38:900-904.

URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Clark J M, Hoshizaki T B. 2016.

The ability of men's lacrosse helmets to reduce the dynamic impact response for different striking techniques in women's field lacrosse

American Journal of Sports Medicine, 44:1047-1055.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: Women's field lacrosse is described as a noncontact game relying primarily on rules to decrease the risk of head injuries. Despite not allowing head contact, however, concussions continue to be reported in women's field lacrosse. PURPOSE: To assess the ability of men's lacrosse helmets to decrease linear and angular acceleration for different striking techniques in women's field lacrosse. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. METHODS: A helmeted and unhelmeted Hybrid III 50th Percentile headform was attached to a Hybrid III neckform and were subjected to impacts by 8 striking techniques. Eleven athletic females completed 5 slashing techniques, while physical reconstruction equipment was used to simulate falls and shoulder and ball impacts to the head. Three trials were conducted for each condition, and peak resultant linear and angular accelerations of the headform were measured. RESULTS: Falls produced the highest linear and angular acceleration, followed by ball and high-velocity stick impacts. Low-velocity stick impacts were found to produce the lowest linear and angular accelerations. Men's lacrosse helmets significantly decreased linear and angular accelerations in all conditions, while unhelmeted impacts were associated with high accelerations. CONCLUSION: If women's field lacrosse is played within the rules, only falls were found to produce high linear and angular acceleration. However, ball and high-velocity stick impacts were found to produce high linear and angular accelerations. These linear and angular accelerations were found to be within the ranges reported for concussion. When the game is not played within the rules, men's lacrosse helmets provide an effective method of reducing linear and angular accelerations. Thus, women's field lacrosse may be able to reduce the occurrence of high linear and angular acceleration impacts by having governing bodies improving rules, implementing the use of helmets, or both. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Identifying striking techniques that produce high linear and angular acceleration specific to women's lacrosse and measuring the capacity of a men's lacrosse helmet to reduce linear and angular acceleration.

Collet P, Uebelhart D, Vico L , et al. 1997.

Effects of 1- and 6-month spaceflight on bone mass and biochemistry in two humans

Bone, 20:547-551.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The bone mineral density and the biochemical parameters exploring bone cell activities were analyzed in two cosmonauts who spent 1 and 6 months, respectively, in the Russian MIR station. Measurements were performed before the flight, after the flight, and after a recovery period. At the end of the first month, peripheral QCT measurements indicated a slight decrease of trabecular bone mass in the distal tibial metaphysis. However, after 6 months of spaceflight, a more marked loss of trabecular and cortical bones was observed in the tibia, and was still significant after 6 month recovery in the trabecular compartment, whereas a decrease was no longer observed in the cortical envelope. No change was observed in either compartment of the distal radius at any time. Ultrasound BUA of the calcaneus was greatly reduced by the first month, followed by a more dramatic decrease after month 6. Ultrasound SOS detected no change. Parameters reflecting bone formation activity appeared to be depressed after both missions. In contrast, no dramatic change in resorption parameters was observed, except for a trend toward an increase in pyridinoline. In conclusion, the lower weight-bearing bones appeared more sensitive than the upper ones in terms of spaceflight-induced bone loss. This probably explained the absence of marked systemic biochemical data changes. This study further suggests that recovery in the tibial trabecular compartment 6 months after landing was not completed after a 6 month mission.

Collins R, McCarthy G W, Kaleps I , et al. 1997.

Review of major injuries and fatalities in USAF ejections, 1981-1995

Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 33:350-353.

URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Our laboratories are examining injuries and deaths resulting from mechanical forces applied to aircrew members in the course of Department of Defense aviation operations. In this paper we report only on bodily injuries sustained during ejection from US Air force, aircraft for the fiscal years 1981-1996, that is, major injuries and fatalities resulting directly from seat acceleration forces, from aerodynamic forces applied to crew members during escape through the effects of windblast and parachute opening shock; from direct contact: and from parachute landing injuries. Such injuries occur typically to the head, neck, cervical spine, thorax, thoracolumbar spine, ribs, pelvis, and the upper and lower extremities. Injuries are usually caused by anomalies in the ejection sequence or by delaying ejection until too close to the ground. Conversely, a planned ejection in a modern ejection seat in controlled, low speed flight imposes forces well below injury thresholds. In the USAF, 10-50 aircrew eject yearly, with a decline since 1991. We conclude that the risk of fatality is 0-11% and of major injury is 2-25%. Both are remarkably low and decreasing in the later years of this study period. The absolute number of head, neck, and spine injuries is 0-10 yearly and similarly decreasing. The results of this study are intended to provide a basis for estimating potential savings in deaths, injuries, and costs expected from the development of improved protective measures.

Cudejko T, Esch M, Noort J , et al. 2019.

Decreased pain and improved dynamic knee instability mediate the beneficial effect of wearing a soft knee brace on activity limitations in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Arthritis Care & Research, 71:1036-1043.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether improvement of proprioception, pain, or dynamic knee instability mediates the effect of wearing a soft knee brace on activity limitations in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: We conducted an analysis of data for 44 patients with knee OA who were enrolled in a laboratory-based trial evaluating the effect of wearing a commercially available soft knee brace. Activity limitations were assessed with the 10-meter walk test and the Get Up and Go test. Knee joint proprioception was assessed by an active joint position sense test; pain was assessed on a numeric rating scale (NRS) (range 0-10); pressure pain threshold (PPT) was assessed with a hand-held pressure algometer; dynamic knee instability was expressed by the perturbation response, i.e., a measure reflecting a deviation in mean knee varus-valgus angle after a controlled mechanical perturbation on a treadmill, with respect to level walking. Mediation analysis was conducted using the product of coefficients approach. Confidence intervals were calculated with a bootstrap procedure. RESULTS: A decrease in pain (scored on an NRS) and a decrease in dynamic knee instability mediated the effect of wearing a soft knee brace on the reduction of activity limitations (P < 0.05), while changes in proprioception and PPT did not mediate this effect (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study shows that decreased pain and reduced dynamic knee instability are pathways by which wearing a soft knee brace decreases activity limitations in patients with knee OA.

Dai Z Q, Li Y H, Ding B , et al. 2006.

Actin microfilaments participate in the regulation of the COL1A1 promoter activity in ROS17/2.8 cells under simulated microgravity

Advances Space Research, 38: 1159-1167.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

De Heer H D, Kline J R, Charley B. 2020.

Clinical Care of the Runner.

Amsterdam: Elsevier.

[本文引用: 1]

De Horst M J K. 2002.

Human head neck response in frontal, lateral and rear end impact loading: Modeling and validation. [PhD Thesis].

Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology.

[本文引用: 1]

De Jager MJ. 1994.

Mathematical head-neck models for acceleration impacts. [PhD Thesis].

Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology.

[本文引用: 1]

Distefano L J, Padua D A, Brown C N , et al. 2008.

Lower extremity kinematics and ground reaction forces after prophylactic lace-up ankle bracing

Journal of Athletic Training, 43:234-241.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

CONTEXT: Long-term effects of ankle bracing on lower extremity kinematics and kinetics are unknown. Ankle motion restriction may negatively affect the body's ability to attenuate ground reaction forces (GRFs). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the immediate and long-term effects of ankle bracing on lower extremity kinematics and GRFs during a jump landing. DESIGN: Experimental mixed model (2 [group] x 2 [brace] x 2 [time]) with repeated measures. SETTING: Sports medicine research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: A total of 37 healthy subjects were assigned randomly to either the intervention (n = 11 men, 8 women; age = 19.63 +/- 0.72 years, height = 176.05 +/- 10.58 cm, mass = 71.50 +/- 13.15 kg) or control group (n = 11 men, 7 women; age = 19.94 +/- 1.44 years, height = 179.15 +/- 8.81 cm, mass = 74.10 +/- 10.33 kg). INTERVENTION(S): The intervention group wore braces on both ankles and the control group did not wear braces during all recreational activities for an 8-week period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Initial ground contact angles, maximum joint angles, time to reach maximum joint angles, and joint range of motion for sagittal-plane knee and ankle motion were measured during a jump-landing task. Peak vertical GRF and the time to reach peak vertical GRF were assessed also. RESULTS: While participants were wearing the brace, ankle plantar flexion at initial ground contact (brace = 35 degrees +/- 13 degrees , no brace = 38 degrees +/- 15 degrees , P = .024), maximum dorsiflexion (brace = 21 degrees +/- 7 degrees , no brace = 22 degrees +/- 6 degrees , P = .04), dorsiflexion range of motion (brace = 56 degrees +/- 14 degrees , no brace = 59 degrees +/- 16 degrees , P = .001), and knee flexion range of motion (brace = 79 degrees +/- 16 degrees , no brace = 82 degrees +/- 16 degrees , P = .036) decreased, whereas knee flexion at initial ground contact increased (brace = 12 degrees +/- 9 degrees , no brace = 9 degrees +/- 9 degrees , P = .0001). Wearing the brace for 8 weeks did not affect any of the outcome measures, and the brace caused no changes in vertical GRFs (P > .05). CONCLUSIONS: Although ankle sagittal-plane motion was restricted with the brace, knee flexion upon landing increased and peak vertical GRF did not change. The type of lace-up brace used in this study appeared to restrict ankle motion without increasing knee extension or vertical GRFs and without changing kinematics or kinetics over time.

Doty S B. 1985.

Morphologic and histochemical studies of bone cells from SL-3 rats

Physiologist, 28:S225-226.

URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

Du C F, Liu X Y, Wang L Z , et al. 2015.

Restraint harness performance during flight maneuvers: A parametric study

Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 86:466-471.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

INTRODUCTION: Modern super agile fighter aircraft are capable of producing an increasing multiaxial acceleration environment which can adversely affect the pilot. An evaluation of the performance of the restraint system during flight maneuvers will benefit restraint designs and, thus, the safety of pilots. METHODS: A finite element model of a mannequin with PCU-15/P harness restraint was used in this study to investigate how the factors, such as strap material stiffness, friction, and belt tension, affect the performance of restraint systems during impact along the -Gx, -Gy, and -Gz directions. The corresponding maximum displacement of the mannequin's torso was computed. RESULTS: The mannequin moved beyond 74 mm sideways. The change in friction coefficient (FC) from 0.1 to 0.4 decreased the displacement of the lower torso by less than 6.7%. The displacement of the torso decreased as the stiffness of the strap or tension increased. Displacement decreased by 9.3%, 6.0%, and 2.7% for the lower torso under the Gx impact, as the tightening force increased from 20 N to 80 N gradually. However, this changed slightly when the stiffness arrived at 1 E or the tension increased to 60 N. DISCUSSION: PCU-15/P harness has the poorest performance during side impact and friction plays an unimportant role in affecting its performance. The stiffness of the webbing used in the PCU-15/P harness is sufficiently high. The lap belt has more effect on limiting the movement of the pilot than the shoulder straps, and a tension of 60 N during the adjustment may be enough for conventional flight maneuvers.

Ekeland A. 1997.

Injuries in military parachuting: A prospective study of 4499 jumps

Injury, 28:219-222.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

In this prospective study, the parachuting injuries which occurred during 2031 jumps in basic courses of free fall were compared with the injuries occurring during 2468 jumps for reserve paratroopers on training exercises. Fifty-eight injuries were recorded in 51 paratroopers. The ankle was most commonly affected, and 80 per cent of the injuries involved the lower extremity. Only 14 per cent of the injured troopers suffered severe injuries (fractures, knee ligament ruptures). The injury rate for paratroopers on basic courses (19.7 injuries per 1000 jumps) was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than for those on training exercises (4.5 injuries per 1000 jumps). Similar observations were made for severe injuries (2.0 versus 1.2 injuries per 1000 jumps, respectively). The injury risk increased with age. Most of the injuries occurred on landing, and about 70 per cent were mainly caused by improper landing fall technique. The rate of serious parachuting injuries was low for Norwegian paratroopers.

Esat V, Acar M. 2009.

Viscoelastic finite element analysis of the cervical intervertebral discs in conjunction with a multi-body dynamic model of the human head and neck

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 223:249-262.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

This article presents the effects of the frontal and rear-end impact loadings on the cervical spine components by using a multi-body dynamic model of the head and neck, and a viscoelastic finite element (FE) model of the six cervical intervertebral discs. A three-dimensional multi-body model of the human head and neck is used to simulate 15 g frontal and 8.5 g rear-end impacts. The load history at each intervertebral joint from the predictions of the multi-body model is used as dynamic loading boundary conditions for the FE model of the intervertebral discs. The results from the multi-body model simulations, such as the intervertebral disc loadings in the form of compressive, tensile, and shear forces and moments, and from the FE analysis such as the von Mises stresses in the intervertebral discs are analysed. This study shows that the proposed approach that uses dynamic loading conditions from the multi-body model as input to the FE model has the potential to investigate the kinetics and the kinematics of the cervical spine and its components together with the biomechanical response of the intervertebral discs under the complex dynamic loading history.

Eppinger R, Takhounts E. 2001.

Simon theoretical manual

Warrendale, NHTSA, 1-15.

[本文引用: 1]

Ewing C L, Thomas D J, Lustick L , et al. 1976.

The effect of duration, rate of onset, and peak sled acceleration on the dynamic response of the human head and neck//

Proceedings of the 20th Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE Technical Paper Series, 760800.

[本文引用: 1]

Fan W, Guo L X. 2018.

Finite element investigation of the effect of nucleus removal on vibration characteristics of the lumbar spine under a compressive follower preload

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 78:342-351.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Previous studies have reported the effect of removing the nucleus on biomechanical responses of the human spine to static loadings. However, few studies have dealt with the whole-body vibration condition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a single-level (L4-L5) nucleus removal on vibration characteristics of the whole lumbar spine in the presence of a physiologic compressive preload, and also to evaluate the preload effect on the vibration characteristics. A 3-D non-linear finite element model of the lumbar spine (L1 to sacrum) subjected to the physiologic conditions of a compressive follower preload was developed and validated. Comparative studies on forced vibration responses between the intact and denucleated models were conducted. The results from the forced-vibration (transient dynamic) analyses considering axial cyclic loading indicated that the nucleus removal increased the dynamic responses at all disc levels. For example, at the denucleated L4-L5 level, after nucleus removal the maximum response values of disc bulge and von-Mises stress in annulus increased by 63.9% and 110.5% respectively, and their vibration amplitudes increased by 97.9% and 139.7% respectively. At other levels, the predicted maximum response values and vibration amplitudes of the stresses and strains also produced 3.1-7.5% and 10.8-30.6% increases respectively due to the nucleus removal, and a relatively larger increase was observed at level L5-S1. It was also found that increasing the preload increased the stresses and strains at all levels but decreased their vibration amplitudes. Nucleus removal at a single level deteriorates the effects of vibration on whole lumbar spine. Also, increasing the preload alters vibration characteristics of the spine. These findings may be useful to provide a guideline for the patients suffering from lumbar disc degeneration to minimize the risk of further injury and discomfort.

Fanton M G, Sganga J A, Camarillo D B. 2019.

Vulnerable locations on the head to brain injury and implications for helmet design

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141:121002.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Fass D, Buffinton C M, Sedmera D. 2007.

3D reconstruction and nonlinear finite element analysis of the embryonic left ventricle

// ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC, 253-254.

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City of Westminster: Pearson Publisher.

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Use of weighted impulse criterion for estimation injury hazard//

Proceedings of the 10th Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE Technical Paper Series, 660793.

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Grenzen und Sonderprobleme bei der Anwendung von Sitzkatapulten

Technische Hochschule Stuttgart.

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Acute soft tissue neck injury from unexpected acceleration

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 74:1085-1090.

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Impact thresholds of the brain concussion

The Journal of Aviation and Medicine, 29:725-732.

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A new theory on the dynamics of brain concussion and brain injury

Journal of Neurosurgery, 15:548-561.

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Gu G X, Takaffoli M, Buehler M J. 2017.

Hierarchically enhanced impact resistance of bioinspired composites

Advanced Materials, 29:1700060.

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Guignandon A, Lafage-Proust M H, Usson Y , et al. 2001.

Cell cycling determines integrin-mediated adhesion in osteoblastic ROS 17/2.8 cells exposed to space-related conditions

FASEB Journal, 15:2036-2038.

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Gurdjian E S, Lissner H R. 1944.

Mechanism of head injury as studied by the cathode ray oscilloscope

Journal of Neurosurgery, 1:393-399.

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Photo-elastic confirmation of the presence of shear strain at the craniospinal junction in closed head injury

Journal of Neurosurgery, 18:58-60.

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Sports-related Eye Injuries.

Berlin: Springer.

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Parachuting injuries: A retrospective study of 83, 718 jumps

Journal of Trauma, 15:14-19.

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Flight helmet weight,+Gz forces, and neck muscle strain

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 64:55-57.

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Literature review of head injury biomechanics

International Journal of Impact Engineering, 15:561-586.

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Hasselberg M, Kirsebom M, Bäckström J , et al. 2019.

I did not feel like this at all before the accident: Do men and women report different health and life consequences of a road traffic injury?

Injury Prevention, 25:307-312.

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Hans-Wolfgang H. 1998.

Crash tests and the head injury criterion

Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 17:162-170.

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Mechanics of head injuries

Lancet, 243:438-441.

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Honkanen T. 2019.

Fighter pilots' physical performance and spinal-injury induced flight duty limitations. [PhD Thesis].

Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.

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Hopper D M, McNair P, Elliott B C. 1999.

Landing in netball: Effects of taping and bracing the ankle

British Journal of Sports Medicine, 33:409-413.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of bracing and taping on selected electromyographic, kinematic, and kinetic variables when landing from a jump. METHODS: Fifteen netball players performed a jump, so as to land on their dominant limb on a force plate. Electromyographic activity was recorded from the gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and peroneus longus muscles. Subjects were also filmed and measures of rearfoot motion were derived. RESULTS: Significantly less electromyographic activity (p<0.007) was observed from the gastrocnemius and peroneus longus muscle groups when subjects were braced. No other significant electromyographical findings were observed. Peak vertical ground reaction force and time to peak for vertical ground reaction force were not affected by bracing and taping, nor were the rearfoot and Achilles tendon angles at foot strike. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of bracing and taping on the selected biomechanics variables associated with landing was specifically limited to a reduction in muscle action, particularly for the braced condition. Netball players can be confident that the biomechanics of their landing patterns will not be altered whether they choose to wear a brace or tape their ankle joints.

Hosey R R, Ryerson J E, Liu Y K. 1982.

A finite-element model of the human head and neck during oblique-crown impact

Journal of Biomechanics, 16:379-401.

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Hsieh T M, Tsai T C, Liu Y W , et al. 2016.

How does the severity of injury vary between motorcycle and automobile accident victims who sustain high-grade blunt hepatic and/or splenic injuries? Results of a retrospective analysis

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13:739-748.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Hu Z H, Metaxas D, Axel L. 2005.

Computational modeling and simulation of heart ventricular mechanics from tagged MRI//

Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, Third International Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 35:369-383.

[本文引用: 1]

Hughes-Fulford M. 1991.

Altered cell function in microgravity

Experimental Gerontology, 26:247-256.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Physiological changes in humans during spaceflight upon return to earth have been attributed to systemic adaptation, response to stress, and lack of normal exercise. Studies from the Skylab, SL-3, and D-1 missions have demonstrated that significant physiological alterations are seen in single cell prokaryotes and eukaryotes, as well as in animal tissues. Basic cellular functions such as electrolyte concentration, cell growth rate, glucose utilization, bone formation, response to growth stimulation, and exocytosis are modified in microgravity. Many of the physiological changes seen in humans, vertebrate and simple organisms in spaceflight may originate from dysfunction of basic biological mechanisms caused by microgravity. Aging humans share many of the symptoms seen in astronauts during spaceflight. These include reduced cardiac function, loss of bone and reduced immune response and orthostatic hypotension. It is possible that some of physiological adaptations seen in aging may share common physiological basis with those changes seen in spaceflight. Since microgravity affects prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell function at a subcellular and molecular level, space offers us an opportunity to learn more about basic biological mechanisms which are essential to life.

Hughes-Fulford M. 2002.

Physiological effects of microgravity on osteoblast morphology and cell biology

Advances in Space Biology and Medicine, 8:129-157.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Hughes-Fulford M, Lewis M L. 1996.

Effects of microgravity on osteoblast growth activation

Experimental Cell Research, 224:103-109.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 3]

Space flight is an environmental condition where astronauts can lose up to 19% of weight-bearing bone during long duration missions. We used the MC3T3-E1 osteoblast to investigate bone cell growth in microgravity (10(-6) to 10(-9)g). Osteoblasts were launched on the STS-56 shuttle flight in a quiescent state with 0.5% fetal calf serum (FCS) medium and growth activation was initiated by adding fresh medium with 10% FCS during microgravity exposure. Four days after serum activation, the cells were fixed before return to normal Earth gravity. Ground controls were treated in parallel with the flight samples in identical equipment. On landing, cell number, cell cytoskeleton, glucose utilization, and prostaglandin synthesis in flight (n = 4) and ground controls (n = 4) were examined. The flown osteoblasts grew slowly in microgravity with total cell number significantly reduced (55 +/- 6 vs 141 +/- 8 cells per microscopic field). The cytoskeleton of the flight osteoblasts had a reduced number of stress fibers and a unique abnormal morphology. Nuclei in the ground controls were large and round with punctate Hoechst staining of the DNA nucleosomes. The flight nuclei were 30% smaller than the controls (P < 0.0001) and oblong in shape, with fewer punctate areas. Due to their reduced numbers, the cells activated in microgravity used significantly less glucose than ground controls (80.2 +/- 0.7 vs 50.3 +/- 3.7 mg of glucose/dl remaining in the medium) and had reduced prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis when compared to controls (57.3 +/- 17 vs 138.3 +/- 41 pmol/ml). Cell viability was normal since, on a per-cell basis, glucose use and prostaglandin synthesis were comparable for flight and ground samples. Taken together, these data suggest that growth activation in microgravity results in reduced growth, causing reduced glucose utilization and reduced prostaglandin synthesis, with significantly altered actin cytoskeleton in osteoblasts.

Hughes-Fulford M, Rodenacker K, Jutting U. 2006.

Reduction of anabolic signals and alteration of osteoblasts nuclear morphology in microgravity

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 99:435-449.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Bone loss has been repeatedly documented in astronauts after flight, yet little is known about the mechanism of bone loss in space flight. Osteoblasts were activated during space flight in microgravity (microg) with and without a 1 gravity (1 g) field and 24 genes were analyzed for early induction. Induction of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta), cyclo-oxygenase-2 (cox-2), cpla2, osteocalcin (OC), c-myc, fibroblast growth factor-2 (fgf-2), bcl2, bax, and fgf-2 message as well as FGF-2 protein were significantly depressed in microg when compared to ground (gr). Artificial onboard gravity normalized the induction of c-myc, cox-2, TGFbeta, bax, bcl2, and fgf-2 message as well as FGF-2 protein synthesis in spaceflight samples. In normal gravity, FGF-2 induces bcl2 expression; we found that bcl2 expression was significantly reduced in microgravity conditions. Since nuclear shape is known to elongate in the absence of mitogens like FGF-2, we used high-resolution image-based morphometry to characterize changes in osteoblast nuclear architecture under microgravity, 1 g flight, and ground conditions. Besides changes in cell shape (roundish/elliptic), other high-resolution analyses show clear influences of gravity on the inner nuclear structure. These changes occur in the texture, arrangement, and contrast of nuclear particles and mathematical modeling defines the single cell classification of the osteoblasts. Changes in nuclear structure were evident as early as 24 h after exposure to microgravity. This documented alteration in nuclear architecture may be a direct result of decreased expression of autocrine and cell cycle genes, suggesting an inhibition of anabolic response in microg. Life on this planet has evolved in a normal gravity field and these data suggest that gravity plays a significant role in regulation of osteoblast transcription.

Hu Z H, Metaxas D, Axel L. 2005.

Computational modeling and simulation of heart ventricular mechanics from tagged MRI//

Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, Third International Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 35:369-383.

Jee W S, Wornski T J, Morey E R , et al. 1983.

Effects of spaceflight on trabecular bone in rat

The American Journal of Physiology, 244:R310-314.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

Alterations in trabecular bone were observed in growing male Wistar rats after 18.5 days of orbital flight on the COSMOS 1129 biosatellite. Spaceflight induced a decreased mass of mineralized tissue and an increased fat content of the bone marrow in the proximal tibial and humeral metaphyses. The osteoblast population appeared to decline immediately adjacent to the growth cartilage-metaphyseal junction, but osteoclast numbers were unchanged. These results suggested that bone formation may have been inhibited during spaceflight, but resorption remained constant. With the exception of trabecular bone mass in the proximal tibia, the observed skeletal changes returned to normal during a 29-day postflight period.

Johnson E S, Gaydos S J, Pavelites J J , et al. 2019.

US army parachute mishap fatalities: 2010-2015

Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 90:637-642.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

INTRODUCTION: Despite the large number of U.S. military members who conduct parachuting operations, its inherent safety risks, and the introduction of a new military parachute in 2010, little has been published in the last decade on U.S. military parachute fatalities.METHODS: Parachute fatality investigative records maintained by the U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center were reviewed for U.S. Army fatalities resulting from military parachuting operations from January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2015. De-identified data on cases were collected, including causes, lethal injuries, and demographic, environmental, and missional factors. A descriptive analysis was performed.RESULTS: There were 13 cases which met study inclusion criteria. Most occurred during static-line operations and were jumps from a C-17 aircraft using a T-11 parachute. The two most common assigned accident codes were

Jones J A, McCarten M, Manuel K , et al. 2007.

Cataract formation mechanisms and risk in aviation and space crews

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 78:A56-66.

[本文引用: 1]

Karnjanaparichat T, Pongvuthithum R. 2017.

Adaptive tracking control of multi-link robots actuated by pneumatic muscles with additive disturbances

Robotica, 35:2139-2156.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kasturi K, Kwok P, Lee C. 2005.

Design and evaluation of protective devices for injury prevention during paratrooper landing

// 18th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar. Munich, Germany, AIAA 2005-1632.

[本文引用: 4]

Ke G J, Zhou E L, Zhu K , et al. 2020.

Retinal break associated with traumatic lens dislocation or subluxation requiring vitrectomy

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 258:693-697.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: Both ectopia lentis and retinal injury are common results of blunt ocular trauma. Here, we investigated the incidence and characteristics of retinal breaks associated with ectopia lentis caused by blunt ocular trauma. METHODS: Patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy to treat traumatic lens subluxation and dislocation were retrospectively reviewed. The incidence, characteristics, and outcomes of retinal breaks were analyzed. RESULTS: Forty-five eyes from 45 patients were included in the study. Seventeen eyes (37.7%) were complicated by retinal breaks or detachment, but only four (8.9%) were identified pre-operation. Our study revealed that retinal breaks were more frequently located at the superior (72.7%) and peripheral (81.8%) retina. All patients achieved anatomic recovery post-surgery. The eyes with and without retinal breaks did not differ significantly with respect to initial or final visual acuity. The final visual outcomes were independently and significantly associated with visual acuity at presentation (P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Retinal breaks occurred in approximately one-third of patients with traumatic ectopia lentis and were difficult to observe pre-operation. Complete ophthalmic evaluation and timely intervention may help achieve favorable outcomes.

Kenner V H, Goldsmith W. 1973.

Impact on a simple physical model of the head

Journal of Biomechanics, 6:1-11.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

Kernozek T, Durall C J, Friske A , et al. 2008.

Ankle bracing, plantar-flexion angle, and ankle muscle latencies during inversion stress in healthy participants

Journal of Athletic Training, 43:37-43.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

CONTEXT: Ankle braces may enhance ankle joint proprioception, which in turn may affect reflexive ankle muscle activity during a perturbation. Despite the common occurrence of plantar-flexion inversion ankle injuries, authors of previous studies of ankle muscle latencies have focused on inversion stresses only. OBJECTIVE: To examine the latency of the peroneus longus (PL), peroneus brevis (PB), and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles in response to various degrees of combined plantar-flexion and inversion stresses in braced and unbraced asymptomatic ankles. DESIGN: Repeated measures. SETTING: University biomechanics laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-eight healthy females and 12 healthy males (n = 40: mean age = 23.63 years, range = 19 to 30 years; height = 172.75 +/- 7.96 cm; mass = 65.53 +/- 12.0 kg). INTERVENTION(S): Participants were tested under 2 conditions: wearing and not wearing an Active Ankle T1 brace while dropping from a custom-made platform into 10 degrees , 20 degrees , and 30 degrees of plantar flexion and 30 degrees of inversion. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The time between platform drop and the onset of PL, PB, and TA electromyographic activity was measured to determine latencies. We calculated a series of 2-way analyses of variance to determine if latencies were different between the conditions (braced and unbraced) and among the plantar-flexion angles (alpha = .05). RESULTS: No interaction was found between condition and plantar-flexion angle. No significant main effects were found for condition or plantar-flexion angle. Overall means for braced and unbraced conditions were not significantly different for each muscle tested. Overall means for angle for the PL, PB, and TA were not significantly different. CONCLUSIONS: Reflexive activity of the PL, PB, or TA was unaffected by the amount of plantar flexion or by wearing an Active Ankle T1 brace during an unanticipated plantar-flexion inversion perturbation.

Kleinberger M, Sun E, Eppinger R , et al. 1998.

Development of improved injury criteria for the assessment of advanced automotive restraint systems

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

[本文引用: 4]

Knapik J J, Craig S C, Hauret K G , et al. 2003.

Risk factors for injuries during military parachuting

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 74:768-774.

[本文引用: 1]

Knapik J J, Darakjy S, Swedler D , et al. 2008.

Parachute ankle brace and extrinsic injury risk factors during parachuting

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 79:408-415.

[本文引用: 1]

Knapik J J, Spiess A, Swedler D I , et al. 2010.

Systematic review of the parachute ankle brace: Injury risk reduction and cost effectiveness

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38:S182-188.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

INTRODUCTION: Military parachuting has been shown to result in injuries. This investigation systematically reviewed studies examining the influence of the parachute ankle brace (PAB) on injuries during military parachuting and performed a cost-effectiveness analysis. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: Parachute ankle brace studies were obtained from seven databases, personal contacts, and other sources. Investigations were reviewed if they contained original, quantitative information on PAB use and injuries during parachuting. Meta-analysis was performed using a general variance-based meta-analysis method that calculated summary risk ratios (SRR) and 95% CIs. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Five studies met the review criteria. Compared with PAB users, PAB non-users had a higher risk of ankle injuries (SRR=2.1, 95% CI=1.8-2.5); ankle sprains (SRR=2.1, 95% CI=1.4-3.1); ankle fractures (SRR=1.8, 95% CI=1.1-2.9); and all parachuting injuries combined (SRR=1.2, 95% CI=1.1-1.4). The PAB had little effect on lower body injuries exclusive of the ankle (SRR [no PAB/PAB]=0.9, 95% CI=0.7-1.2). Cost-effectiveness analysis estimated that, for every dollar expended on the PAB, a savings of about $7 to $9 could be achieved in medical and personnel costs. CONCLUSIONS: The PAB reduces ankle injuries by about half and is a cost effective device that should be worn during military airborne operations to reduce injury risk.

Knapik J, Steelman R. 2016.

Risk factors for injuries during military static-line airborne operations: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal of Athletic Training, 51:962-980.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 3]

OBJECTIVE: To identify and analyze articles in which the authors examined risk factors for soldiers during military static-line airborne operations. DATA SOURCES: We searched for articles in PubMed, the Defense Technical Information Center, reference lists, and other sources using the key words airborne, parachuting, parachutes, paratrooper, injuries, wounds, trauma, and musculoskeletal. STUDY SELECTION: The search identified 17 684 potential studies. Studies were included if they were written in English, involved military static-line parachute operations, recorded injuries directly from events on the landing zone or from safety or medical records, and provided data for quantitative assessment of injury risk factors. A total of 23 studies met the review criteria, and 15 were included in the meta-analysis. DATA EXTRACTION: The summary statistic obtained for each risk factor was the risk ratio, which was the ratio of the injury risk in 1 group to that of another (baseline) group. Where data were sufficient, meta-analyses were performed and heterogeneity and publication bias were assessed. DATA SYNTHESIS: Risk factors for static-line parachuting injuries included night jumps, jumps with extra equipment, higher wind speeds, higher air temperatures, jumps from fixed-wing aircraft rather than balloons or helicopters, jumps onto certain types of terrain, being a female paratrooper, greater body weight, not using the parachute ankle brace, smaller parachute canopies, simultaneous exits from both sides of an aircraft, higher heat index, winds from the rear of the aircraft on exit entanglements, less experience with a particular parachute system, being an enlisted soldier rather than an officer, and jumps involving a greater number of paratroopers. CONCLUSIONS: We analyzed and summarized factors that increased the injury risk for soldiers during military static-line parachute operations. Understanding and considering these factors in risk evaluations may reduce the likelihood of injury during parachuting.

Kong W, Kasturi K, Lee C. 2001.

Biomechanical modeling of paratrooper landing

// 16th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference. Massachusetts, AIAA 2001-2029.

[本文引用: 1]

Kopecky J A, Ripperger E A. 1969.

Close brain injury: An engineering analysis

Journal of Biomechanics, 2:29-34.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Kuennen B C, Buhrman J R. 2004.

Pilot Harness Suspension Study

DTIC Document.

[本文引用: 1]

Kumaresan S, Radhakrishnan S, Ganesan N. 1995.

Generation of geometry of closed human head and discretisation for finite element analysis

Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 33:349-353.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Kumaresan S, Radhakrishnan S. 1996.

Importance of partitioning membranes of the brain and the influence of the neck in head injury modelling

Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 34:27-32.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

A head injury model consisting of the skull, the CSF, the brain and its partitioning membranes and the neck region is simulated by considering its near actual geometry. Three-dimensional finite-element analysis is carried out to investigate the influence of the partitioning membranes of the brain and the neck in head injury analysis through free-vibration analysis and transient analysis. In free-vibration analysis, the first five modal frequencies are calculated, and in transient analysis intracranial pressure and maximum shear stress in the brain are determined for a given occipital impact load.

Kumei Y, Shimokawa H, Katano H , et al. 1996.

Microgravity induces prostaglandin E2 and interleukin-6 production in normal rat osteoblasts: Role in bone demineralization

Journal of Biotechnology, 47:313-324.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

It has been suggested that microgravity alters bone metabolism. Evidence for this phenomenon includes the negative calcium balance and decreased bone density in astronauts, as well as, inhibition of bone formation in rats flown for 2 to 3 weeks. However, the specific mechanisms that modulate these changes in microgravity are unknown. The purpose of this study was to clarify the mechanism of microgravity-induced bone demineralization using normal rat osteoblasts obtained from femur marrow cultures. The osteoblasts were cultured for 5 days during a Shuttle-Spacelab flight (STS-65). After collection of the culture medium, the cellular DNA and RNA were fixed on board. Enzyme-immunoassay of the culture medium for prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) indicated that microgravity induced a 4.5- to 136-fold increase in flight samples as compared to the ground control cultures. This increase of PGE2 production was consistent with a 3.3- to 9.5-fold elevation of inducible prostaglandin G/H synthase-2 (PGHS-2) mRNA, quantitated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The mRNA induction for the constitutive isozyme PGHS-1 was less than that for PGHS-2. The interleukin-6 (IL-6) mRNA was also increased (6.4- to 9.3-fold) in microgravity as compared to the ground controls. Since PGE2 and IL-6 are both known to play a role in osteoclast formation and bone resorption, these data provide molecular mechanisms that contribute to our understanding of microgravity-induced alterations in the bone resorption process.

Kunisada T, Kawai A, Inoue H , et al. 1997.

Effects of simulated microgravity on human osteoblast-like cells in culture

Acta Medica Okayama, 51:135-140.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Physiological strain plays an important role in maintaining the normal function and metabolism of bone cells. It is well know that the mineral content of astronauts' bones decreases during spaceflight. Thus, gravity is one of the important factors in the musculoskeletal system. The vector-free horizontal clinostat has been used to simulate conditions of microgravity for examining such effects on cells in culture. We analyzed the effects of simulated microgravity using a horizontal clinostat on cultured osteoblast-like cells (HuO9 cell line). Total cellular protein, which was measured as an indication of cell proliferation, was not significantly inhibited under simulated microgravity conditions. No morphological changes were detected under microgravity conditions by phase-contrast microscopy. However, the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and osteocalcin production of the HuO9 cells decreased significantly under microgravity conditions. Our data indicate that simulated microgravity directly inhibits some differentiation phenotypes and some functions of osteoblasts. On the other hand, the addition of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2-D3) increased ALP activity under simulated microgravity conditions, although the total activity of ALP in the cells treated with 1,25-(OH)2-D3 was still lower under simulated microgravity conditions than that in the control cells. However, the cells under simulated microgravity conditions showed a greater enhancement of ALP activity by treatment with 1,25-(OH)2-D3.

Kwok P, Kong W, Kasturi K , et al. 2003.

A biomechanical study on the parachute landing fall

// 17th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar, AIAA, 2003-2149.

[本文引用: 5]

Lecompte J, Maisetti O, Guillaume A , et al. 2008.

Neck strength and EMG activity in fighter pilots with episodic neck pain

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 79:947-952.

[本文引用: 1]

Leupp D G. 1982.

ACES II negative Gz restraint investigation.

Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports. Defense Technical Information Center.

[本文引用: 1]

Lewis M E. 2006.

Survivability and injuries from use of rocket-assisted ejection seats: Analysis of 232 Cases

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 77:936-943.

[本文引用: 1]

Lewis M E. 2002.

Spinal injuries caused by the acceleration of ejection

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 148:22-26.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The speed and altitude at which modern military aircraft operate are such that escape can only be achieved by some means of forcibly propelling the aircrew clear of the aircraft. The most common method of doing this is by use of an ejection seat. The use of such seats, whilst generally life saving, exposes aircrew to forces that may be at the limits of human tolerance. Each phase of the ejection sequence is associated with characteristic injury patterns and of particular concern is the occurrence of spinal compression fractures, which are caused by the upward acceleration of the ejection seat. Thorough investigation of aircrew who eject is necessary and magnetic resonance imaging of the spines of these aircrew is now becoming mandatory. Aircrew who sustain stable anterior wedge compression fractures usually require no invasive treatment, but are prevented from flying aircraft fitted with ejection seats for 3-4 months.

Li Y, Wu J, Zheng C , et al. 2013.

The effect of landing surface on the plantar kinetics of Chinese paratroopers using half-squat landing

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 12:409-413.

URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of landing surface on plantar kinetics during a half-squat landing. Twenty male elite paratroopers with formal parachute landing training and over 2 years of parachute jumping experience were recruited. The subjects wore parachuting boots in which pressure sensing insoles were placed. Each subject was instructed to jump off a platform with a height of 60 cm, and land on either a hard or soft surface in a half-squat posture. Outcome measures were maximal plantar pressure, time to maximal plantar pressure (T-MPP), and pressure-time integral (PTI) upon landing on 10 plantar regions. Compared to a soft surface, hard surface produced higher maximal plantar pressure in the 1(st) to 4(th) metatarsal and mid-foot regions, but lower maximal plantar pressure in the 5(th) metatarsal region. Shorter T- MPP was found during hard surface landing in the 1(st) and 2(nd) metatarsal and medial rear foot. Landing on a hard surface landing resulted in a lower PTI than a soft surface in the 1(st)phalangeal region. For Chinese paratroopers, specific foot prosthesis should be designed to protect the1(st) to 4(th)metatarsal region for hard surface landing, and the 1(st)phalangeal and 5(th)metatarsal region for soft surface landing. Key PointsUnderstanding plantar kinetics during the half-squat landing used by Chinese paratroopers can assist in the design of protective footwear.Compared to landing on a soft surface, a hard surface produced higher maximal plantar pressure in the 1(st) to 4(th) metatarsal and mid-foot regions, but lower maximal plantar pressure in the 5(th) metatarsal region.A shorter time to maximal plantar pressure was found during a hard surface landing in the 1(st) and 2(nd) metatarsals and medial rear foot.Landing on a hard surface resulted in a lower pressure-time integral than landing on a soft surface in the 1(st) phalangeal region.For Chinese paratroopers, specific foot prosthesis should be designed to protect the 1(st) to 4(th) metatarsal region for a hard surface landing, and the 1(st) phalangeal and 5(th) metatarsal region for a soft surface landing.

Lissner H R, Lebow M, Evans F G. 1960.

Experimental studies on the relation between acceleration and intracranial pressure changes in man

Surgery Gynecology & Obstetrics, 111:320-339.

[本文引用: 2]

Liu X Y, Wang L Z, Wang C , et al. 2013.

Mechanism of traumatic retinal detachment in blunt impact: A finite element study

Journal of Biomechanics, 46:1321-1327.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Retinal detachment typically occurs when the retina is pulled away from its normal position by blunt trauma. It has been estimated that traumatic retinal detachments account for 10-20% of all detachments. Understanding the mechanism of traumatic retinal detachment is helpful for ophthalmologists to make a more accurate diagnosis before the symptoms develop. A finite element eye model, validated through published data, was used to simulate traumatic retinal detachment. Retinal adhesive force was incorporated into the model using breakable bonded contact. Under BB impact, global deformation was divided into four stages: compression, decompression, overshooting and oscillation. Shockwave propagation in the retina produced high strain in the retina. For an impact speed of 50 m/s, the peak strain of 0.138 in ora serrata exceeded the specified threshold for retinal break. When the eye was decompressed, negative pressure occurred around and anterior to the equator, with a minimum of -663 kPa, leading to retinal detachment. The following relative inertia motions between the retina and its supporting tissue extended the detachment. In addition, the simulations of lower shear modulus of vitreous and increased retinal adhesive force also confirm that the extent of retinal detachment is determined by negative pressure and inertial motion. In conclusion, shockwave and negative pressure contribute to retinal detachment. Shockwave propagation in the retina leads to retinal break, while negative pressure and relative inertial motion could pull the retina away from the supporting tissue. The current work would help understand the basic mechanisms underlying blunt trauma. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

Liu X Y, Wang L Z, Wang C , et al. 2014 a.

Prediction of globe rupture caused by primary blast: A finite element analysis

Computer Methods and Programs Biomedicine, 18:1024-1029.

[本文引用: 1]

Liu X Y, Wang L Z, Ji J , et al. 2014 b.

A mechanical model of the cornea considering the crimping morphology of collagen fibrils

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55:2739-2746.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

PURPOSE: To develop a mechanical model with which to investigate the relationship between the crimping morphology of collagen fibrils and the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the cornea. METHODS: Uniaxial tensile experiments were performed with corneal strips to test their mechanical behavior. A constitutive model was constructed based on the Gaussian-distributed morphology of crimped collagen fibrils. The parameters that represent the micro characteristics of collagen fibrils were determined by fitting the experimental data to the constitutive model. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to visualize the crimping morphology of collagen fibrils in the stroma. A quantitative analysis of fibril crimping degrees in the TEM images was conducted to test the parameters predicted by the constitutive model. RESULTS: The parameters were derived using a fitting method that included the expectation for the distribution of fibril crimping degrees, mu = 1.063; the standard deviation, sigma = 0.0781; the elastic modulus of collagen fibrils, E = 52.74 MPa; and the fibril ultimate strain, epsilonb = 0.1957. TEM images showed a variation of the fibril crimping morphology when the cornea was subjected to different tensile loads. A good agreement was found between the parameters derived by the constitutive model and the data quantified from the TEM images. CONCLUSIONS: The nonlinear mechanical behavior of the cornea is closely correlated with the crimping morphology of collagen fibrils. The findings are expected to guide further research of corneal pathologies related to the abnormal microstructure of collagen fibrils.

Lopik D W V, Acar M. 2007.

Dynamic verification of a multi-body computational model of human head and neck for frontal, lateral, and rear impacts

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 221:199-217.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Lu S, Fan X Y, Liu S J , et al. 2020.

Biomechanism of resistance to retinal injury in woodpecker's eyes

Science China Life Science, 63: doi: 10.1007/s11427-019-1664-1.

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Ly C K, Yusof M Y P M, Hasmi A H , et al. 2018.

Death of two military pilots in Hawk-108 fighter jet crash

Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 4:101-103.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Manen O, Clément J, Bisconte S , et al. 2014.

Spine injuries related to high-performance aircraft ejections: A 9-year retrospective study

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 85:66-70.

[本文引用: 1]

Marie P J, Jones D, Vico L , et al. 2000.

Osteobiology, strain, and microgravity: Part I. Studies at the cellular level

Calcified Tissue International, 67:2-9.

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Mathys R, Ferguson S J. 2012.

Simulation of the effects of different pilot helmets on neck loading during air combat

Journal of Biomechanics, 45:2362-2367.

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Matsui Y, Oikawa S. 2018.

Effect of seat condition on abdominal injuries to vehicle occupants in frontal impact accidents

Applied Science, 8:2047.

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Meana M, Alegre L M, Elvira J L L , et al. 2008.

Kinematics of ankle taping after a training session

International Journal of Sports Medicine, 29:70-76.

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Mines M, Thach A, Mallonee S , et al. 2000.

Ocular injuries sustained by survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing

Ophthalmology, 107:837-843.

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Mondal P, Arunachalam S. 2020.

Finite element modelling of car seat with Hyperelastic and viscoelastic foam material properties to assess vertical vibration in terms of acceleration

Engineering, 12:177-193.

[本文引用: 1]

Moore C W, Rice C L. 2018.

Rare muscular variations identified in a single cadaveric upper limb: A four-headed biceps brachii and coracobrachialis brevis muscle variant

Anatomical Science International, 93:311-316.

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Morey E R, Baylink D J. 1978.

Inhibition of bone formation during space flight

Science, 201:1138-1141.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Parameters of bone formation and resorption were measured in rats orbited for 19.5 days aboard the Soviet Cosmos 782 biological satellite. The most striking effects were on bone formation. During flight, rats formed significantly less periosteal bone than did control rats on the ground. An arrest line at both the periosteum and the endosteum of flight animals suggest that a complete cessation of bone growth occurred. During a 26-day postflight period, the defect in bone formation was corrected. No significant changes in bone resorption were observed.

Mufti O, Mathew S, Harris A , et al. 2019.

Ocular changes in traumatic brain injury: A review

European Journal of Ophthalmology, doi: 10.1177/1120672119866974.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

PURPOSE: To report a variation of the classical needle revision maneuver with an external marking of the scleral flap, augmented with mitomycin C (MMC) in failed non penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS). METHOD: This observational prospective pilot study included five consecutive patients who underwent an MMC needling revision of failed NPDS with the external marking of the scleral flap. All participants underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination and data were collected preoperatively as well as 1 day, 1 week and 1 month after the surgery. The surgical site was also evaluated during the procedure. RESULTS: A significant reduction of IOP and antiglaucomatous medication from preoperative levels was detected at the end of the follow-up period. Regarding the surgical site, we succeed in locating the scleral flap and observing the bleb formation in all cases. No significant subconjunctival bleeding was detected. CONCLUSION: This variation of the classical needling technique seems to improve intrasurgical visualization and reduces complications, which might lead to an improvement in surgical success.

Nachemson A. 1960.

Lumbar intradiscal pressure: Experimental studies on post-mortem material

Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 31:1-104.

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Nadeau S, Salmanzadeh H, Ahmadi M , et al. 2019.

Aviation deicing workers, global risk assessment of musculoskeletal injuries

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 71:8-13.

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National Research Council. 2001. Materials Research to Meet 21st Century Defense Needs: Interim Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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Newman D G, David O. 2011.

The geometry of high angle of attack maneuvers and the implications for Gy-induced neck injuries

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 82:819-824.

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Newman D G. 2016. High G Flight: Physiological Effects and Countermeasures. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited.

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Newman J A, Shewchenko N, Welbourne E. 2000.

A proposed new biomechanical head injury assessment function the maximum power index//

Proceedings of the 44th Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE Technical Paper, 44:215-247.

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Newman J A. 1986.

A generalized acceleration model for brain injury threshold (GAMBIT)

// Proceeding of International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Zurich, 121-131.

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Nigg B M. 1985.

Biomechanics, load analysis and sports injuries in the lower extremities

Sports Medicine, 2:367-379.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The study of sports injuries has grown with the increase in importance of sport as a leisure-time activity. The origin of many sports injuries is assumed to be mechanical, with the forces and/or stresses acting on one element of the human locomotor system exceeding the critical limits. This article presents some biomechanical considerations on the mechanical aspect of the aetiology, reduction and treatment of sport injuries with special emphasis on the lower extremities. Forces acting on the locomotor system have a magnitude, a point of application and a direction. Both magnitude and geometry (point of application and direction) are important in load analysis. However, the geometrical aspect of externally acting forces is an extremely important aspect, especially with respect to reduction of load in practical situations. Load analysis is usually performed with force transducers and optical instruments in order to quantify magnitude and geometry. Two possible approaches to load analysis are discussed. One approach works with the critical limits of biomaterials. This approach shows that the local stresses for cartilage, tendon and bone are in the order of 10 to 20% of the critical limit for normal daily activities, such as walking. The second approach deals with strategies to reduce load, assuming that it is usually too high in sports activities. The nature of playing surfaces and shoes are revealed as important possibilities for load reduction.

Niu W X, Wang Y, He Y , et al. 2010 a.

Effects of ankle stabilizers on electromyographic activities of lower extremity muscles during simulated half-squat parachute landing

Journal of Medical Biomechanics, 25:36-40.

[本文引用: 1]

Niu W X, Wang Y, He Y, Fan Y, Zhao Q. 2010 b.

Biomechanical gender differences of the ankle joint during simulated half-squat parachute landing

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 81:761-767.

[本文引用: 1]

Niu W X, Wang Y, He Y , et al. 2011.

Kinematics, kinetics, and electromyogram of ankle during drop landing: A comparison between dominant and non-dominant limb

Human Movement Science, 30:614-623.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The biomechanical difference between the dominant and non-dominant limb has seldom been studied during double-leg landing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of limb laterality on the ankle kinematics, kinetics and electromyogram (EMG) during drop landing. Sixteen healthy adults were recruited and dropped individually from platforms with three different heights (0.32 m, 0.52 m, and 0.72 m). The ground reaction force, ankle joint kinematics, and surface EMG of tibialis anterior (TA) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG) were measured in both lower extremities. Two-way analysis of variance was used to analyze the effects of laterality and dropping height. The peak angular velocities in dorsiflexion and abduction were significantly higher in the dominant ankle, whereas the pre- and post-landing EMG amplitudes of the TA were significantly higher in the non-dominant limb. Compared with the dominant side, the non-dominant ankle has a more effective protective mechanism in that excessive joint motion is restrained by greater ankle flexor activity. Compared with the non-dominant side, the dominant ankle joint is in greater injury risk during drop landing, and data measured in the dominant limb may produce more conservative conclusions for injury protection or prediction.

Niu W X, Zhang M, Fan Y B , et al. 2013 a.

Dynamic postural stability for double-leg drop landing

Journal of Sports Science, 31:1074-1081.

[本文引用: 1]

Niu W X, Fan Y B. 2013 b.

Terrain stiffness and ankle biomechanics during simulated half-squat parachute landing

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 84:1262-1267.

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Niu W X, Feng T N, Jiang C H , et al. 2014.

Peak vertical ground reaction force during two-leg landing: A systematic review and mathematical modeling

BioMed Research International, 2014: 126860.

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Oganov V S. 2004.

Modern analysis of bone loss mechanism in microgravity

Journal of Gravitational Physiology, 11:143-146.

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Ommaya A K, Hirsch A E, Martinez J L. 1966.

The role of whiplash in cerebral concussion//

Proceedings of the 10th Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE Technical Paper, 660804.

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Ommaya A K, Thibault L, Bandak F A. 1994.

Mechanisms of impact head injury

International Journal of Impact Engineering, 15:535-560.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Palmer D, Cooper D, Emery C , et al. 2020.

Olympic-career related sports injury epidemiology: The retired olympian musculoskeletal health study (ROMHS)

British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54:A33.

[本文引用: 1]

Panzer M B, Fice J B, Cronin D S. 2011.

Cervical spine response in frontal crash

Medical Engineering & Physics, 33:1147-1159.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

Predicting neck response and injury resulting from motor vehicle accidents is essential to improving occupant protection. A detailed human cervical spine finite element model has been developed, with material properties and geometry determined a priori of any validation, for the evaluation of global kinematics and tissue-level response. Model validation was based on flexion/extension response at the segment level, tension response of the whole ligamentous cervical spine, head kinematic response from volunteer frontal impacts, and soft tissue response from cadaveric whole cervical spine frontal impacts. The validation responses were rated as 0.79, assessed using advanced cross-correlation analysis, indicating the model exhibits good biofidelity. The model was then used to evaluate soft tissue response in frontal impact scenarios ranging from 8G to 22G in severity. Disc strains were highest in the C4-C5-C6 segments, and ligament strains were greatest in the ISL and LF ligaments. Both ligament and disc fiber strain levels exceeded the failure tolerances in the 22G case, in agreement with existing data. This study demonstrated that a cervical spine model can be developed at the tissue level and provide accurate biofidelic kinematic and local tissue response, leading to injury prediction in automotive crash scenarios.

Perper Y. 2019.

On the spinal cord injury during attempted cervical interlaminar epidural injection of steroids

Pain Medicine, 20:854-855.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Petras A F, Hoffman E P. 1983.

Roentgenographic skeletal injury patterns in parachute jumping

American Journal of Sports Medicine, 11:325-328.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

A total of 90,000 parachute jumps made during a 1 year period resulted in 615 (0.68%) injuries secondary to jumping. Of these 615 cases, 70 jumpers (0.08%) had 71 skeletal injuries as confirmed by roentgenographic examination. Forty-one (57.7%) of the 71 injuries involved the ankle, and 12 (16.9%) were compression fractures of the thoracolumbar spine. The remaining injuries were distributed as follows: shoulder, six (8.5%); calf, six (8.5%); pelvis, 3 (4.2%); foot, two (2.8%); and thigh, one (1.4%). The various mechanisms leading to these injuries are presented.

Peyron P A, Margueritte E, Baccino E. 2018.

Suicide in parachuting: A case report and review of the literature

Forensic Science International, 286:e8-13.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Skydiving fatalities are mostly accidental and the result of human errors. However, suicides may be greatly underreported in skydivers. We present the case of a young civilian skydiver who committed suicide by jumping from an altitude of 4000m without activating his chutes. Witnesses reported that the victim had remained in a freefall position until ground impact. Besides an extensive blunt trauma, the autopsy showed an antero-posterior flattening of the body with symmetrical abrasions on its front, which were consistent with a high-energy impact on the ground in a

Polanco M A, Littell J D. 2011.

Vertical drop testing and simulation of anthropomorphic test devices

// 67th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Virginia.

[本文引用: 1]

Prasad P, King A I, Ewing C L. 1974.

The role of articular facets during +Gz acceleration

Journal of Applied Mechanics. 41:321-326.

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Raddin J J, Scott W, Bomar J, Smith H B L , et al. 1992.

Adapting the ADAM manikin technology for injury probability assessment

DTIC Document.

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Rahmat M F, Sunar N H, Salim S N S , et al. 2011.

Review on modeling and controller design in pneumatic actuator control system

International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 4:630-661.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Raj R N, Shankar K. 2020.

Multi-objective goal programming for low altitude seat ejections with fuzzy logic-based decision-making

Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety, 4:1-6.

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Ransley M, Day M S. 2005.

What makes a good restraint systems?

// Safe Europe Cardiff.

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Roberts W E, Mozsary P G, Morey E R. 1982.

Suppression of osteoblast differentiation during weightlessness

The Physiologist, 24:S75-76.

[本文引用: 1]

Robinson R M, Kothera C S, Wereley N M. 2015.

Variable recruitment testing of pneumatic artificial muscles for robotic manipulators

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20:1642-1652.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rosenfeld J V, McDermott F T, Laidlaw J D , et al. 2000.

The preventability of death in road traffic fatalities with head injury in Victoria, Australia

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 7:507-514.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Since 1992 the Consultative Committee on Road Traffic Fatalities in Victoria (CCRTF) has examined the medical management of patients who died following motor vehicle accidents. Three hundred and fifty-five fatalities with head injury occurring between 1 July, 1992 and 31 December 1997 were assessed by the CCRTF. They represented 79% of the total 449 fatalities examined by the Committee. Following examination of the complete medical records and multidisciplinary discussion, the Committee considered 237 (67%) of the 355 neurotrauma deaths to be non-preventable, 105 (30%) potentially preventable and 13 (4%) preventable. The present analysis excludes the non-preventable deaths in order to focus on preventable factors. Problems identified in the 118 patients pre-hospital included: no intubation; prolonged scene time; and no intravenous access; in 139 emergency room attendances: inappropriate reception including delay in arrival of a consultant, no neurosurgical consultation, no CT scan of the head, inadequate blood gases and oxygen monitoring, inadequate fluid resuscitation, delayed respiratory resuscitation and delayed dispatch to the operating room; in 111 operating room visits: no ICP monitoring, inadequate fluid administration and inappropriate anaesthetic technique; and in 90 intensive care unit admissions: no ICP monitoring. Overall, 1745 individual problems in the various areas of care were identified, of which 1104 (63%) were judged to have contributed to death. Improved delivery and quality of trauma care could reduce the identified problems in emergency services and clinical management. Basic principles of trauma management remain the most important means of reducing morbidity and death following road trauma. The leadership role of the neurosurgeon in neurotrauma care is emphasised.

Rowe K W, Brooks C J. 1984.

Head and neck injuries in Canadian forces ejections

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 55:313-315.

[本文引用: 1]

Ruan, J S, Khalil T, King A I. 1994.

Dynamic response of the human head to impact by three-dimensional finite element analysis

Journal Biomechanical Engineering, 116:44-50.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ruff S. 1950.

Brief acceleration: Less than one second

German Aviation Medicine, 1:584-598.

[本文引用: 1]

San H N, Lu G X. 2019.

A review of recent research on bio-inspired structures and materials for energy absorption applications

Composites Part B Engineering, 181:107496.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Sarkar D, Nagaya T, Koga K , et al. 2000.

Culture in vector-averaged gravity under clinostat rotation results in apoptosis of osteoblastic ROS17/2.8 cells

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 15:489-498.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Space flight experiments and studies carried out in altered gravity environments have revealed that exposure to altered gravity conditions results in (mal)adaptation of cellular function. In the present study, we used a clinostat to generate a vector-averaged gravity environment. We then evaluated the responses of osteoblast-like ROS 17/2.8 cells subsequent to rotation at 50 revolutions per minute (rpm) for 6-24 h. We found that the cells started to detach from the substrate between 12 h and 24 h of rotation in clinostat but not in stationary cultures or after horizontal rotation (the latter serving as a motion control for turbulence, shear forces, and vibrations). At 24 h, 35% of clinorotated cells had detached and the cells underwent apoptotic death as evidenced by DNA fragmentation analysis, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining, and flow cytometry with Annexin V staining. The apoptotic death was associated with perinuclear distribution of cell-surface integrin beta1 and disorganization of actin cytoskeleton. These results suggest that vector-averaged gravity causes apoptosis of osteoblasts by altering the organization of the cytoskeleton. We hypothesize that apoptotic death of osteoblasts might play an important role in the pathogenesis of osteoporotic bone loss as observed in actual space flights.

Sawkins K, Refshauge K, Kilbreath S , et al. 2007.

The placebo effect of ankle taping in ankle instability

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39:781-787.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

PURPOSE: Recurrence of ankle sprains is common among athletes. Although ankle taping reduces the risk of injury, the mechanism underlying its effectiveness remains unclear. Anecdotal reports suggest a role of the belief among athletes that taping will protect them from injury. That is, taping may have a placebo effect. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether there was a placebo effect with ankle taping in individuals with ankle instability. METHODS: Thirty participants with ankle instability completed a hopping test and a modified star excursion balance test under three conditions: (i) real tape, (ii) placebo tape, and (iii) control (no tape). Participants were blinded to the purpose of the study and were informed that the study aimed to compare two methods of ankle taping referred to as mechanical (real) and proprioceptive (placebo). The order of testing the three conditions and the two functional tests was randomized. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in performance among the three conditions for the hopping test (P = 0.865) or the modified star excursion balance test (P = 0.491). However, a secondary exploratory analysis revealed that participants' perceptions of stability, confidence, and reassurance increased with both real and placebo ankle taping when performing the functional tasks. CONCLUSION: The role of the placebo effect of ankle taping in individuals with ankle instability remains unclear. Clinicians should, therefore, continue to use ankle-taping techniques of known efficacy. They should, however, focus on maximizing patients' beliefs in the efficacy of ankle taping, because its application reassured participants and improved their perceived stability and confidence. The effect of ankle taping on participants' perceptions may contribute to its effectiveness in preventing injury.

Schall D G. 1983.

Non-ejection cervical spine fracture due to defensive aerial combat maneuvering in an RF-4C: A case report

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 54:1111-1116.

[本文引用: 2]

Schall D G. 1989.

Non-ejection cervical spine injuries due to +Gz in high performance aircraft

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 60:445-456.

[本文引用: 1]

Schmidt M D, Sulsky S I, Amoroso P J. 2005.

Effectiveness of an outside-the-boot ankle brace in reducing parachuting related ankle injuries

Injury Prevention, 11:163-168.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

OBJECTIVES: To examine the efficacy of an outside-the-boot parachute ankle brace (PAB) in reducing risk of ankle injury to army paratrooper trainees and to identify inadvertent risks associated with PAB use. DESIGN: The authors compared hospitalization rates for ankle, musculoskeletal, and other traumatic injury among 223,172 soldiers trained 1985-2002 in time periods defined by presence/absence of PAB use protocols. Multiple logistic regression analysis estimated adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals for injury outcomes, comparing pre and post brace periods to the brace protocol period. SETTING: A research database consisting of training rosters from the US Army Airborne training facility (Fort Benning, GA) occupational, demographic, and hospitalization information. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Injuries were considered training related if they occurred during a five week period starting with first scheduled static line parachute jump and a parachuting cause of injury code appeared in the hospital record. RESULTS: Of 939 parachuting related hospitalizations during the defined risk period, 597 (63.6%) included an ankle injury diagnosis, 198 (21.1%) listed a musculoskeletal (non-ankle) injury, and 69 (7.3%) cited injuries to multiple body parts. Risk of ankle injury hospitalization was higher during both pre-brace (adjusted OR 2.38, 95% CI 1.92 to 2.95) and post-brace (adjusted OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.27 to 2.32) periods compared with the brace protocol period. Odds of musculoskeletal (non-ankle) injury or injury to multiple body parts did not change between the brace and post-brace periods. CONCLUSION: Use of a PAB during airborne training appears to reduce risk of ankle injury without increasing risk of other types of traumatic injury.

Schmitt K, Muser M H, Niederer P. 2001.

A new neck injury criterion candidate for rear-end collisions taking into account shear forces and bending moment//

Proceeding of the 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Technical Papers, 0175.

[本文引用: 2]

Schneider N S, Shimayoshi T, Amano A , et al. 2006.

Mechanism of the Frank-Starling law—A simulation study with a novel cardiac muscle contraction model that includes titin and troponin I

Journal of Molecular Cellular Cardiology, 41:522-536.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

A stretch-induced increase of active tension is one of the most important properties of the heart, known as the Frank-Starling law. Although a variation of myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity with sarcomere length (SL) change was found to be involved, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully clarified. Some recent experimental studies indicate that a reduction of the lattice spacing between thin and thick filaments, through the increase of passive tension caused by the sarcomeric protein titin with an increase in SL within the physiological range, promotes formation of force-generating crossbridges (Xbs). However, the mechanism by which the Xb concentration determines the degree of cooperativity for a given SL has so far evaded experimental elucidation. In this simulation study, a novel, rather simple molecular-based cardiac contraction model, appropriate for integration into a ventricular cell model, was designed, being the first model to introduce experimental data on titin-based radial tension to account for the SL-dependent modulation of the interfilament lattice spacing and to include a conformational change of troponin I (TnI). Simulation results for the isometric twitch contraction time course, the length-tension and the force-[Ca(2+)] relationships are comparable to experimental data. A complete potential Frank-Starling mechanism was analyzed by this simulation study. The SL-dependent modulation of the myosin binding rate through titin's passive tension determines the Xb concentration which then alters the degree of positive cooperativity affecting the rate of the TnI conformation change and causing the Hill coefficient to be SL-dependent.

Sell T C, Chu Y C, Abt J P , et al. 2010.

Minimal additional weight of combat equipment alters air assault soldiers' landing biomechanics

Military Medicine, 175:41-47.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The additional weight of combat and protective equipment carried by soldiers on the battlefield and insufficient adaptations to this weight may increase the risk of musculoskeletal injury. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of the additional weight of equipment on knee kinematics and vertical ground reaction forces (VGRF) during two-legged drop landings. We tested kinematics and VGRF of 70 air assault soldiers performing drop landings with and without wearing the equipment. Maximum knee flexion angles, maximum vertical ground reaction forces, and the time from initial contact to these maximum values all increased with the additional weight of equipment. Proper landing technique, additional weight (perhaps in the form of combat and protective equipment), and eccentric strengthening of the hips and knees should be integrated into soldiers' training to induce musculoskeletal and biomechanical adaptations to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury during two-legged drop landing maneuvers.

Sheard P W. 2008.

Ocular tear film bubble formation after breath-hold diving

Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine, 35:79-82.

URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Bubbles in the ocular tear film have been observed following both dry-chamber, simulated compressed air dives and in-water, recreational compressed air dives. The current paper reports on the formation of tear film bubbles in a breath-hold diver following repeated, extended breath-hold excursions to a maximum depth of -28.5 m. It is believed that this is the first time that ocular tear film bubbles have been reported in breath-hold divers.

Song R Z, Suo S F, Jia X H , et al. 2019.

Research on head-neck injuries of pilots during emergency ejection from the aircraft

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1213:052100.

[本文引用: 1]

Sridhar M S, Joshi V V, Biswal P. 2019.

Analysis of ejection injury of spine in aviators

International Journal of Science Research, 8:40-43.

[本文引用: 1]

Ströhle M, Wallner B, Woyke S , et al. 2018.

Aviation accidents in the Austrian Mountains-A 10-year retrospective study

AINS-Anasthesiologie Intensivmedizin, 53:1-3.

[本文引用: 1]

Stuhmiller J H, Ho K H, Vander V M J , et al. 1996.

A model of blast overpressure injury to the lung

Journal of Biomechanics, 29:227-234.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Despite decades of animal experiments, data on blast injury to the lung cover only a limited number of circumstances and are in a fragmented form. This paper develops a mathematical model of the chest wall dynamics and the subsequent generation of strong pressure waves within the lung, which have been hypothesized as the mediator of injury. The model has been compared to an extensive database of observed pathologies from animal tests. The incidence of injury and lethality is found to follow a log-normal correlation with the computed total energy in these waves and, when the energy is normalized by the lung volume, the lethality correlation applies to all large animal species. Small animals also correlate with the normalized energy, but at a different value, and it is speculated that structural differences, other than lung volume, may be involved. This relatively simple model allows the potential for blast injury to the lung to be determined from measured or computed pressure traces without additional animal testing. Improved occupational exposure criteria should follow from this methodology.

Stuhmiller J, Phillips Y, Richmond D. 1991.

The Physics and Mechanisms of Primary Blast Injury, Conventional Warfare: Ballistic, Blast, and Burn Injuries.

Washington, DC: Surgeon General Department of the Army.

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Sylvester W. 1987.

Helmet mounted displays for tactical aircraft

Safe Journal, 17:24-28.

[本文引用: 1]

Tendulkar A P, Harken A H. 2006.

Mechanics of the normal heart

Journal of Cardiac Surgery, 21:615-620.

DOI      URL     PMID     

Even though studies on isolated papillary muscles and cardiomyocytes can be applied to the mechanics of a beating heart, it is not always easy for physicians to relate these findings to clinical medicine. Thus, it is important to extend the studies to intact heart either in simulations or in animal models and even better to validate the results with human subjects. Advances in engineering and computer technology have allowed us to bridge the gap between physiology and mechanics. Cardiomyocyte stress/strain relates to muscle energy expenditure, which dictates oxygen and substrate utilization. Appreciation of this sequential relationship by clinicians will facilitate the logical development and assessment of therapies. Theory of finite element analysis (FEA) can predict cardiac mechanics under normal and pathologic conditions. Imaging studies provide an avenue to relate these predictions indirectly to experimental studies. In this fashion, we can understand the mechanical basis for the micro- and macroanatomical twisting motion of the beating heart. The purposes of this manuscript are: (1) to examine the terms that are traditionally used to describe mechanical stresses and strain within the ventricle, (2) to explore the three-dimensional organization of cardiomyocytes that influences global ventricular function, (3) to apply mechanical measures to both single cardiomyofibrils and the intact ventricle (4) to evaluate mathematical and computer models used to characterize cardiac mechanics, and (5) to outline the clinical methods available to measure ventricular function and relate findings from FEA to pathologic conditions.

Teo E C, Zhang Q H, Huang R C. 2007.

Finite element analysis of head-neck kinematics during motor vehicle accidents: Analysis in multiple planes

Medical Engineering & Physics. 29:54-60.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

In this study, a detailed three-dimensional head-neck (C0-C7) finite element (FE) model developed previously based on the actual geometry of a human cadaver specimen was used. Five simulation analyses were performed to investigate the kinematic responses of the head-neck complex under rear-end, front, side, rear- and front-side impacts. Under rear-end and front impacts, it was predicted that the global and intervertebral rotations of the head-neck in the sagittal plane displayed nearly symmetric curvatures about the frontal plane. The primary sagittal rotational angles of the neck under direct front and rear-end impact conditions were higher than the primary frontal rotational angles under other side impact conditions. The analysis predicted early S-shaped and subsequent C-shaped curvatures of the head-neck complex in the sagittal plane under front and rear-end impact, and in the frontal plane under side impact. The head-neck complex flexed laterally in one direction with peak magnitude of larger than 22 degrees and a duration of about 130 ms before flexing in the opposite direction under both side and rear-side impact, compared to the corresponding values of about 15 degrees and 105 ms under front-side impact. The C0-C7 FE model has reasonably predicted the effects of impact direction in the primary sagittal and frontal segmental motion and curvatures of the head-neck complex under various impact conditions.

Turner R T, Evans G L, Wakley G K. 1995.

Spaceflight results in depressed cancellous bone formation in rat humeri

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 66:770-774.

[本文引用: 2]

Umale S, Deck C, Bourdet N , et al. 2017.

Experimental and finite element analysis for prediction of kidney injury under blunt impact

Journal of Biomechanics, 52:2-10.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Vanderbeek R D. 1988.

Period prevalence of acute neck injury in US air force pilots exposed to high G forces

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 59:1176-1180.

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Verdijk R M, Herwig-Carl M C. 2020.

Fetal and Neonatal Eye Pathology.

Berlin: Springer.

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Versace J. 1971.

A review of the severity index

// Proceedings of the 15th Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE Technical Paper, 710881, 711-196.

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Visvikis C, Carroll J, Klimitsch C. 2017.

Sensitivity of the Q-series abdominal pressure twin sensors to loading type and position in dynamic restraint system loading tests

// Proceedings of the International IRCOBI Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, IRC-17-39.

[本文引用: 1]

Vogel J M, Whittle M W. 1976.

Bone mineral changes: The second manned Skylab mission

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 47:396-400.

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Wais V, Kündgen L, Bohl S R , et al. 2018.

Reduced-toxicity conditioning for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in elderly or comorbid patients with AML using fludarabine, BCNU and melphalan: Disease stage at transplant determines outcome

Bone, Marrow Transplant, 53:94-96.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have shown that human articular chondrocytes in vitro are osmolarity-responsive and increase matrix synthesis under cartilage-specific physiological osmolarity. The effects of increased osmolarity on chondrogenesis of progenitor cells in vitro are largely unknown. We therefore aimed to elucidate whether hyperosmolarity facilitates their chondrogenic differentiation and whether Nfat5 is involved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ATDC5 cells and human bone marrow stem cells (hBMSCs) were differentiated in the chondrogenic lineage in control and increased osmolarity conditions. Chondrogenic outcome was measured by gene- and protein expression analysis. RNAi was used to determine the role of Nfat5 in chondrogenic differentiation under normal and increased osmolarity. RESULTS: Increasing the osmolarity of differentiation medium with 100mOsm resulted in significantly increased chondrogenic marker expression (Col2a1, Col10a1, Acan, Sox9, Runx2 and GAGs) during chondrogenic differentiation of the two chondroprogenitors, ATDC5 and hBMSCs. Nfat5 knockdown under both control and increased osmolarity affected chondrogenic differentiation and suppressed the osmolarity-induced chondrogenic induction. Knockdown of Nfat5 in early differentiation significantly decreased early Sox9 expression, whereas knockdown of Sox9 in early differentiation did not affect early Nfat5 expression. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing the osmolarity of chondrogenic culture media by 100mOsm significantly increased chondrogenic gene expression during the course of chondrogenic differentiation of progenitor cells. Nfat5 may be involved in regulating chondrogenic differentiation of these cells under both normal and increased osmolarities and might regulate chondrogenic differentiation through influencing early Sox9 expression.

Wang L Z, Cheung J T M, Pu F , et al. 2011 a.

Why do woodpeckers resist head impact injury: A biomechanical investigation

PloS One, 6:e26490.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Head injury is a leading cause of morbidity and death in both industrialized and developing countries. It is estimated that brain injuries account for 15% of the burden of fatalities and disabilities, and represent the leading cause of death in young adults. Brain injury may be caused by an impact or a sudden change in the linear and/or angular velocity of the head. However, the woodpecker does not experience any head injury at the high speed of 6-7 m/s with a deceleration of 1000 g when it drums a tree trunk. It is still not known how woodpeckers protect their brain from impact injury. In order to investigate this, two synchronous high-speed video systems were used to observe the pecking process, and the force sensor was used to measure the peck force. The mechanical properties and macro/micro morphological structure in woodpecker's head were investigated using a mechanical testing system and micro-CT scanning. Finite element (FE) models of the woodpecker's head were established to study the dynamic intracranial responses. The result showed that macro/micro morphology of cranial bone and beak can be recognized as a major contributor to non-impact-injuries. This biomechanical analysis makes it possible to visualize events during woodpecker pecking and may inspire new approaches to prevention and treatment of human head injury.

Wang L Z, Lu S, Liu X Y , et al. 2013.

Biomechanism of impact resistance in the woodpecker's head and its application

Science China Life Science, 56:715-719.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wang L Z, Zhang H Q, Fan Y B. 2011b.

Comparative study of the mechanical properties, micro-structure, and composition of the cranial and beak bones of the great spotted woodpecker and the lark bird

Science China Life Science, 54:1036-1041.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wang Y W, Wang L Z, Du C F , et al. 2016.

A comparative study on dynamic stiffness in typical finite element model and multi-body model of C6-C7 cervical spine segment

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 32:02750.

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Y W, Wang L Z, Liu S Y , et al. 2018.

A two-step procedure for coupling development and usage of a pair of human neck models

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 21:413-426.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

Both finite element models and multi-body models of human head-neck complex had been widely used in neck injuries analysis, as the former could be used to generate detailed stress strain information and the later could generate dynamic responses with high efficiency. Sometimes, detailed stress and strain information were hoped to be obtained more efficiently, but current methods were not effective enough when they were used to analyze responses of human head neck complex to long duration undulate accelerations. In this paper, a two-step procedure for 'parallel' development and 'sequential' usage of a pair of human head neck models was discussed. The pair of models contained a finite element model and a multi-body model, which were developed based on the coupling 'parallel' procedure using the same bio-realistic geometry. After being validated using available data, the pair of human neck models were applied to analyze biomechanical responses of pilot's neck during arrested landing operation according to the 'sequential' procedure, because typical sustained undulate accelerations usually appeared during such processes. The results, including both kinematic and detailed biomechanical responses of human head-neck complex, were obtained with preferable efficiency. This research provided an effective way for biomechanical analysis of human head neck responses to sustained undulate accelerations.

Ward C, Thompson R. 1975.

The development of a detailed finite element brain model

// Proceedings of the 19th Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE Technical Paper, 641-674.

[本文引用: 1]

Whitting J W, Steele J R, Jaffrey M A , et al. 2007.

Parachute landing fall characteristics at three realistic vertical descent velocities

Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 78:1135-1142.

[本文引用: 1]

Willinger R, Taleb L, Kopp C M. 1995.

Modal and temporal analysis of head mathematical models

Journal of Neurotrauma, 12:743-754.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The basic hypotheses used during these investigations were based on the vibration analysis of the head, which demonstrated that the head is not a solid nondeformable body, but a complex structure including deformable elements. Laboratoire des Systemes Biomecanique (LSBM) has recently proposed three mathematical models: a lumped model, a finite element model of the head in its sagittal plane, and a three-dimensional finite element model. These models were validated by their modal behavior and enabled the lesion mechanisms to be distinguished as a function of the spectral characteristics of the shock. The objective of this study is to complete these modal results by temporal analysis of the models by calculating the evolution of the intracranian mechanical parameters under shock conditions. To describe the head's dynamic behavior in the temporal domain, constant energy shocks of variable duration were simulated to evaluate their influence on different quantities as the intracerebral stresses in terms of compression, tensile, and shearing stresses, the relative brain-skull displacement, and the skull deformation. The importance of modal behavior of the head is illustrated by analyzing its temporal response to variable duration impacts, thus exciting very different frequencies. For a triangular shock, the critical duration times are between 10 and 15 x 10(-3) s, which correspond to impacts that excite the first resonance frequency of the head. Taking modal behavior into consideration in developing the finite element model leads to a harmonization of the calculated intracerebral stresses, even for short duration shocks. So, when the head is considered as a complex structure made up of several deformable elements, risk limitation is conditioned by an impact energy reduction for frequencies close to the natural frequencies of the structure. In the time field, the objective will be to avoid a number of impact shapes and durations. Therefore, the aim will not be to dampen the impact at any cost, but to damper it in an

Winfield D L, Hering D H, Cole D. 1991.

Engineering derivatives from biological systems for advanced aerospace applications

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contractor Report, 177594.

[本文引用: 1]

Wronski T J, Morey-Holton E R. 1982.

Skeletal abnormalities in rats induced by simulated weightlessness

Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research, 4:69-75.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

A hypokinetic model has been developed which attempts to simulate the weightlessness experienced during space flight. Male rats (approximately 130 g) were suspended from the model with a head-down tilt for a two-week period. Total mechanical unloading of the hind limbs and partial unloading of the fore limbs occurred. In comparison to pair-fed control rats, the skeletal alterations in the proximal tibial and humeral metaphyses of suspended rats were determined to be a diminished rate of longitudinal bone growth, a reduced mass of mineralized tissue, and an accumulation of marrow fat. Also, suspended rats exhibited decreased numbers of osteoblasts and increased numbers of osteoclasts immediately adjacent to the growth plate-metaphyseal junction at both skeletal sites. Although the reduction in mineralized tissue and the fat accumulation were more marked in the tibia, the skeletal changes in the proximal tibial and humeral metaphyses were generally comparable. The observed abnormalities may be due to mechanical unloading and/or a hypersecretion of corticosteroids.

Wu D, Zheng C, Wu J , et al. 2018 a.

Prophylactic ankle braces and the kinematics and kinetics of half-squat parachute landing

Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89:141-146.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 2]

INTRODUCTION: The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of dropping heights and prophylactic ankle braces on ankle joint biomechanics during half-squat parachute landing from two different heights. METHODS: There were 30 male elite paratroopers with formal parachute landing training and more than 2 yr of parachute jumping experience who were recruited for this study. The subjects tested three different ankle brace conditions (no-brace, elastic brace, semirigid brace). Each subject was instructed to jump off a platform from two different heights of 0.4 m and 0.8 m, and land on a force plate in a half-squat posture. The Vicon 3D motion capture system and force plate were used to record and calculate kinematic and kinetic data. RESULTS: Dropping height had a significant effect on peak vertical ground reaction force (vGRF), maximum ankle angular displacement, and time to vGRF. As compared with the no-brace group, use of an elastic ankle brace significantly reduced peak vGRF by 18.57% and both braces significantly reduced the maximal angular displacements of dorsiflexion. The semirigid brace provided greater restriction against maximal angular displacement of inversion. DISCUSSION: The elastic and semirigid ankle braces both effectively restricted motion stability of the ankle joint in the sagittal plane, and the semirigid ankle brace prevented excessive inversion, although the comfort of this device should be improved overall.Wu D, Zheng C, Wu J, Hu T, Huang R, Wang L, Fan Y. Prophylactic ankle braces and the kinematics and kinetics of half-squat parachute landing. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018; 89(2):141-146.

Wu D, Zheng C, Wu J , et al. 2018 b.

Protective knee braces and the biomechanics of the half-squat parachute landing

Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89:26-31.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

INTRODUCTION: Knee injuries are common among paratroopers and skydivers during landing maneuvers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dropping height and the use of protective knee braces on parachute landing biomechanics. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 30 male elite paratroopers with formal parachute landing training and more than 2 yr of parachute jumping experience. Each participant was instructed to jump off a platform at two different heights (40 and 80 cm, respectively) and land on force plates in a half-squat posture. All participants tested three different knee brace conditions (no-brace, elastic brace, and semi-rigid brace) at each height. RESULTS: With an increase in dropping height, peak vertical ground reaction forces (GRF), peak flexion angle, peak flexion angular displacement, peak abduction angle, peak abduction angular displacement, peak extorsion angle, and peak extorsion angular displacement of the knee joint all increased. As compared without the use of a brace, use of an elastic or semi-rigid knee brace significantly reduced peak flexion angle, peak flexion angular displacement, peak abduction angular displacement, and peak extorsion angle, while there were no significant differences in peak vertical GRF or peak extorsion angular displacement. The semi-rigid brace provided the greatest restriction against peak abduction angle (3-6 degrees ). DISCUSSION: The elastic and semi-rigid knee braces both effectively restricted motion stability of the knee joint in the sagittal and coronal planes. The semi-rigid brace had a more marked effect, although the comfort of this device should be improved.Wu D, Zheng C, Wu J, Wang L, Wei X, Wang L. Protective knee braces and the biomechanics of the half-squat parachute landing. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018; 89(1):26-31.

Yamamoto S, DeWitt D S, Prough D S. 2018.

Impact & blast traumatic brain injury: Implications for therapy

Molecules, 23:245.

DOI      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Yanagida Y, Fujiwara S, Mizoi Y. 1989.

Differences in the intracranial pressure caused by a blow and/or a fall-an experimental study using physical models of the head and neck

Forensic Science International, 41:135-145.

DOI      URL     PMID      [本文引用: 1]

In cases of a severe head injury caused by a fall, coup contusions are either absent or very minor, in contrast to presence of extensive contre-coup damage. In cases of a severe blow to head, however, the reverse occurs, with contre-coup lesions a rarity and coup damage extensive. To investigate this further, head injuries caused by a 'blow' or a 'fall' have been studied, using physical human models of the head and neck, both filled with distilled, degassed water and fixed onto a dummy torso. An impact of a constant magnitude was applied to the midoccipital region in 'blow' and 'fall' experiments, and the acceleration of the head and changes in the intracranial pressure were measured, with the resulting data analyzed by a computer. In both experiments, the peak amplitude of the acceleration pulse were almost the same. Similarly, the intracranial pressure curve at the impact site consisted of a positive pulse that hardly differed, nor did the peak amplitude of that pulse vary significantly. In the 'blow' experiment, however, the intracranial pressure curve at the site opposite the impact consisted of a negative pulse, whereas in the 'fall' experiment, the intracranial pressure recorded at the same area was negative but of a longer duration, with an absolute value that was slightly greater. Our results indicate that an impact to the head triggers a different response in the intracranial space, dependent on whether that impact force was caused by a 'blow' or a 'fall'.

Yang Y, Saegusa R, Hashimoto S, Aoyama N. 2006.

Modeling of the individual left ventricle for cardiac resynchronization therapy

// IEEE International conference on robotics and biomimetics, ROBIO, Kunming, China, 1432-1437.

[本文引用: 1]

Ye C Y, Li J M, Hao S Y , et al. 2020.

Identification of elders at higher risk for fall with statewide electronic health records and a machine learning algorithm

International Journal of Medical Informatics, 137:104105.

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OBJECTIVE: Predicting the risk of falls in advance can benefit the quality of care and potentially reduce mortality and morbidity in the older population. The aim of this study was to construct and validate an electronic health record-based fall risk predictive tool to identify elders at a higher risk of falls. METHODS: The one-year fall prediction model was developed using the machine-learning-based algorithm, XGBoost, and tested on an independent validation cohort. The data were collected from electronic health records (EHR) of Maine from 2016 to 2018, comprising 265,225 older patients (>/=65 years of age). RESULTS: This model attained a validated C-statistic of 0.807, where 50 % of the identified high-risk true positives were confirmed to fall during the first 94 days of next year. The model also captured in advance 58.01 % and 54.93 % of falls that happened within the first 30 and 30-60 days of next year. The identified high-risk patients of fall showed conditions of severe disease comorbidities, an enrichment of fall-increasing cardiovascular and mental medication prescriptions and increased historical clinical utilization, revealing the complexity of the underlying fall etiology. The XGBoost algorithm captured 157 impactful predictors into the final predictive model, where cognitive disorders, abnormalities of gait and balance, Parkinson's disease, fall history and osteoporosis were identified as the top-5 strongest predictors of the future fall event. CONCLUSIONS: By using the EHR data, this risk assessment tool attained an improved discriminative ability and can be immediately deployed in the health system to provide automatic early warnings to older adults with increased fall risk and identify their personalized risk factors to facilitate customized fall interventions.

Zayzafoom M, Gathings W E, McDonald J M. 2004.

Modeled microgravity inhibits osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells and increase adipogenesis

Endocrinology, 145:2421-2432.

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Space flight-induced bone loss has been attributed to a decrease in osteoblast function, without a significant change in bone resorption. To determine the effect of microgravity (MG) on bone, we used the Rotary Cell Culture System [developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)] to model MG. Cultured mouse calvariae demonstrated a 3-fold decrease in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and failed to mineralize after 7 d of MG. ALP and osteocalcin gene expression were also decreased. To determine the effects of MG on osteoblastogenesis, we cultured human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) on plastic microcarriers, and osteogenic differentiation was induced immediately before the initiation of modeled MG. A marked suppression of hMSC differentiation into osteoblasts was observed because the cells failed to express ALP, collagen 1, and osteonectin. The expression of runt-related transcription factor 2 was also inhibited. Interestingly, we found that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma2), which is known to be important for adipocyte differentiation, adipsin, leptin, and glucose transporter-4 are highly expressed in response to MG. These changes were not corrected after 35 d of readaptation to normal gravity. In addition, MG decreased ERK- and increased p38-phosphorylation. These pathways are known to regulate the activity of runt-related transcription factor 2 and PPARgamma2, respectively. Taken together, our findings indicate that modeled MG inhibits the osteoblastic differentiation of hMSC and induces the development of an adipocytic lineage phenotype. This work will increase understanding and aid in the prevention of bone loss, not only in MG but also potentially in age-and disuse-related osteoporosis.

Zerath E, Holy X, Robert S G , et al. 2000.

Spaceflight inhibits bone formation independent of corticosteroid status in growing rats

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 15:1310-1320.

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Bone formation and structure have been shown repeatedly to be altered after spaceflight. However, it is not known whether these changes are related to a stress-related altered status of the corticosteroid axis. We investigated the role of corticosteroids on spaceflight-induced effects in rat pelvis and thoracic vertebrae. Thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to a flight, flight control, or vivarium group (n = 12/group). Bilateral adrenalectomy was performed in six rats per group, the additional six rats undergoing sham surgery. Adrenalectomized (ADX) rats were implanted with corticosteroid pellets. On recovery from spaceflight, thoracic vertebrae and the whole pelvis were removed and processed for biochemistry, histomorphometry, or bone cell culture studies. The 17-day spaceflight resulted in decreased bone volume (BV) in the cotyle area of pelvic bones (-12%; p < 0.05) associated with approximately 50% inhibition of bone formation in the cancellous area of pelvic metaphyses and in thoracic vertebral bodies. The latter effect was associated with a decreased number of endosteal bone cells isolated from the bone surface (BS) in these samples (-42%; p < 0.05). This also was associated with a decreased number of alkaline phosphatase positive (ALP+) endosteal bone cells at 2 days and 4 days of culture, indicating decreased osteoblast precursor cell recruitment. Maintaining basal serum corticosterone levels in flight-ADX rats did not counteract the impaired bone formation in vertebral or pelvic bones. Moreover, the decreased ex vivo number of total and ALP+ endosteal bone cells induced by spaceflight occurred independent of endogenous corticosteroid hormone levels. These results indicate that the microgravity-induced inhibition of bone formation and resulting decreased trabecular bone mass in specific areas of weight-bearing skeleton in growing rats occur independently of endogenous glucocorticoid secretion.

Zhang S N, Derrick T R, Evans W , et al. 2008.

Shock and impact reduction in moderate and strenuous landing activities

Sports Biomechanics, 7:296-309.

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Shock reduction has been well studied in moderate activities such as walking and running. However, there is a clear lack of research concerning shock wave transmission and reduction in more strenuous landing activities. In this study, we examined the impact of shock transmission and reduction in landing activities with varied mechanical demands. Ten active males were recruited for the study. They performed five successful step-off landing trials from each of five heights: 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 cm. Right sagittal kinematics, ground reaction forces, and acceleration were recorded simultaneously. Impact frequencies were analysed using a discrete Fast Fourier Transform and power spectral density was computed. Increased range of motion for the ankle, knee, and hip joints was observed at higher landing heights. The peaks of the vertical ground reaction force, forehead and tibial accelerations, and eccentric muscle work by lower extremity joints were increased with increased landing heights. The peak head power spectral density was severely attenuated at higher frequencies but the peak tibia power spectral density did not demonstrate this trend. Shock reduction showed increased reduction at higher frequencies, but minimal changes across five landing heights. Unlike the responses observed for walking and running, the shock reduction did not show significant improvement with elevated mechanical demands.

